Actually I take it back, having seen your opinions I think it is in both of our best interests if you continue not voting.
Keep bridge burning instead of building too, let me know how that works out for you.
Actually I take it back, having seen your opinions I think it is in both of our best interests if you continue not voting.
Keep bridge burning instead of building too, let me know how that works out for you.
You’re not like them, voting isn’t what won those rights.
Lol this is such a comical statement it’s clear I’m talking to someone who can’t be reasoned with.
But you know what, keep doing what you do, don’t vote. I’ll be comfortable knowing you have literally no influence on anything because you’re too dumb to use the means provided to you to make a change.
sure man your way is working no problem
Lol my way is to vote for the best of two candidates which does work and has objectively led to progress, if slowly. Just over 100 years ago we had legalized segregation and women couldn’t vote. 200 years ago we had literal slavery.
By comparison your suggestion is to not vote if you don’t get your perfect candidate. Do you want to point to a single example in the 200 year history of the US, or any country for matter, where that worked?
Lol it’s the other way around. The “thousand small cuts” leading to Trump winning is that conservatives will consistently vote for a candidate as long as they support a single issue they care about (such as abortion). And liberals will consistently not vote for a candidate if they don’t support an issue they care about (such as Palestine).
People like you being ok with fracturing the left because of ideological puritanism versus the right being willing to coalesce around a despot who throws them a few bones is why Trump won.
Sorry but if you live in the US, then for 200+ years there have been two candidates each election with a chance of winning. If you wanted to cut off your nose to spite your face by not voting for Biden, which objectively only helped Trump, then congrats, you made everything worse for everyone. And that includes the Israel-Palestine conflict.
But Biden wouldn’t give me everything exactly the way I wanted! Guess I’ll just throw my vote away so Trump can win 🙄
For me, a browser being a crypto shill is worse than just being a privacy concern. Crypto facilitates an absurd amount of scams, and is also awful for the environment.
Lukewarm take: mods had valid grievances, but were dumb as fuck to unilaterally make a major decision without even consulting the community beforehand, which is definitely worse imo.
It reminds me of so many subreddits where overactive mods decide they know what’s best for their subreddit and impose rules that would never pass a basic yes/no poll, demonstrating they don’t actually care about the community. Mods are supposed to be janitors (not an insult, just statement of fact), but too often act with the presumed arrogance of “leaders”.
Edit to add: this is what the mods should have done:
It’s that simple
“Wei Wu” has an avatar that looks like it was AI generated, not to mention they’re verified on twitter and they talk exactly like a western person doing a Chinese caricature. Seems fake too me.
Sasha is short for Alexander (in Russian)
He was also loosely the inspiration for the titular character in Inside Llewelyn Davis iirc
Whenever someone pulls out the “dEmOcRaTs WeRe ThE cOnFeDeRaTeS” argument, you know they’re either dumb as fuck or arguing entirely in bad faith. Like bro the parties switched in the 1960s it’s just names at this point.
Classic rock is redundant at this point tbh
The guy who selectively leaked documents to favor Republicans?
The state of current YT where you can search for literally anything and will get 3 semi-related results followed by an infinite scroll of completely unrelated political rage rabbit hole content. Their algorithm is so chalked.