Gun rights is the easiest example
Gun rights is the easiest example
Abortion is legal in New York. https://www.ny.gov/programs/abortion-new-york-state-know-your-rights
Yes, yes it does.
Oh its not bullshit. They just redefined “empathy” and “care”, and since it hasnt updated, theyre no longer teaching empathy and care. Because empathy and care mean something else.
English evolves, never complain or be out of date, no matter how forced and unnatural it is.
I heard the boy pees in her ear. Its how you avoid cooties!
Fuck Coyotes. They keep taking advantage of rescue services to get people in the country, and they put people in serius danger in the process.
That doesn’t sound like a bad thing.
After a certain point, what else can you cover about the medieval period thats interesting, entertaining, understable to a general audience, and can fit in a youtube video?
I still think he needs to collab with Jill Bearup on boob armor, though.
Thats different. Hes rich.
Imo, its part of the whole “America bad” thing going on, that America deserves it.Finland is a “good” country, so its notable when they get punished.
Thats it? Just two? How is this world news?
Keyword based advertising is overly simple
Only because the federal supreme court forced them too