These P25 people are just so…hateful. Carrying all that hate seems like it would not be fun.
These P25 people are just so…hateful. Carrying all that hate seems like it would not be fun.
I see a lot of other people have responded with examples and argument.
So I’ll disagree and say the argument falls apart when I don’t argue. (Cause it’s Friday. You ain’t got no job. You ain’t got shit to do. I’m gonna get you high today.)
Hmm I see what the dictionaries are saying but (using an example from above) I think argument exists that:
If me and my fellow protestors block a road, we are being non-violent, but we are not being peaceful.
But it’s Friday and no time for argument!
Early to mid 20th century??! Dang, double space was seemingly still very much in fashion even after Y2K. Welp, gotta go yell at some kids on my lawn.
Remember when Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel? People are kill-informed if they think things get better for the Palestinians under Trump 2.0.
If you want to know if an issue has real potential consequences, in this instance climate change, see what insurance companies are doing about it. Live in a state where wildfires or hurricanes are an issue? As droughts increase and ocean temperatures increase, your homeowners insurance is going up significantly faster than ever before. Insurance companies exist to make money and they spend huge sums in actuarial predictions to keep making that money.
“MacArthur signs statement declaring that Jesus hates people who don’t hate LGBTQs.”
Growing up I was taught Jesus was about love, acceptance, peace, helping others, etc. All good traits worthy of promoting (whether in a religious or secular manner). One good thing about the internet is that it has shown me others to whom I would never be exposed, and just how terrible some can be. (And how great others can be as well.)
Please use that betting money to sponsor the ACLU so they can sponsor a case.
Wasn’t attempting to get anyone to change their mind. Simply pointing out the misstatement in the article.
No phones on in classrooms during class. What parent would not be on board?
IOS stock app?
“Even if Trump is indicted in one of his legal battles, the polling suggests he could still defeat Biden.”
He’s already been indicted. 4 times.
But also my understanding is there’s nothing in the law requiring criminal conviction for sedition or insurrection or whatever the proper term is. I’m not sure who is supposed to be the determiner of fact. I think that’s why several of the states took it upon themselves. Hence why SCOTUS is almost certainly going to have to determine some of these issues. But I also could be talking out my ass.
If Biden committed the acts and, as of now alleged crimes Trump has been accused of, then Biden would need to be barred too. That’s the difference with Trump supporters, the rest of us want the laws applied no matter which “team” the politician represents. It’s people over party and not the other way around.
Yeah but I don’t think the AG’s office had anything to do with the ruling as it was a civil wrongful death case between private parties, so it makes no sense to bomb AG’s office.
In the US, know that insurance companies hire private investigators to follow and video people making injury claims. Especially higher dollar ones.
This is wonderfully generous; though, it illuminates the outrageous costs of education in the US. We as a society should value education as intrinsically valuable and even if not, a more educated populace is valuable in so many ways, not the least being economically.
Florida with its Republican supermajority is about to join the gotta provide your ID to do anything Republicans publicly feign indignation over and privately enjoy themselves. So much for less government interference. Hypocrites.