During Hitlers Ascent to Power, the communist still considered the SPD to be the bigger threat and refused to march with them. And the SPD of the 1930 were by no means “liberals”. They were further to the left than any democrat has ever been.
During Hitlers Ascent to Power, the communist still considered the SPD to be the bigger threat and refused to march with them. And the SPD of the 1930 were by no means “liberals”. They were further to the left than any democrat has ever been.
By your metric Stalin should have been shot for undermining soviet defensive capabilities by purging almost every capable military leader? What did Tukhachevsky, Bukharin, Blyukher or Yegorov do to get executed? What were their sabotages? Their names got dropped by tortured officers and in turn they got shot. Setting the red army back years in experience.
And lets not forget the ethnic targetting: Between 1936 and 1938 nearly all ethnic Baltic People were cleansed put of the upper echelon.
Getting our hands dirty means shooting comrades who carried the revolutionary wars for being a bit yucky.
You completely disregard, that the soviet union did number 3 and crushed all unions not falling in line. Or that they ignore the will of the proletariat during the 1917 and 1918 elections numerous times.
The authoritarian way isnt being critized for coming down on Capitalists. Its critized for how it treated every deviation from the party line. And especially, how it turned into a political chess game at the top, which prioritized amassing personal power and wealth over the actual well being of the state.
Nah, they won’t. It goes bling-bling, has a couple of good use cases, but because it generates Market Hype, Companies will cram it into everything. And i hate it.
Gross, but i don’t wanna kink shame you uwu
Atkeast in my country, the only two pro-nuclear parties are fsr-right climate change deniers and the same old fucks who’re only pro-nuclear because the green party isnt.
im fine with dropping AI for more humans right now, but apparently that wont generate shareholder value.
theres a cute programm, call the goblin chef. if you feed it ingredients, along with amounts, and numbers of people to cook for, it spits out some neat recipes.
But it specifically warns you that it cant actually taste things. If you list ice and bacon, it’ll probably combine those two into a dish. (although now i doesnt recognize “one fresh kitten” as an ingredient anymore q.q)
You want those responsible gone? looks like we gotta drone strike the knesset then
Dont forget that the death penalty is now on the table for “taiwanese separatism”.
The iranian armed forces lead the canadians 1:0 in terms of downed civilian airplanes.
that’s my favourite theory, the germanic honor-culture has survived here and we value doing the right/honorable thing more than anything else.
i gotta take one look at your banking laws and who is banking in Switzerland to laugh that one out of the room.
If you can stomach the absolute bleakness of some of their songs: K.I.Z. Especially their last album, “Görlitzer Park”, is full of anger, dread and descriptions of the moloch that is and was Berlin. Their albums are generally either “nonsense rap, with shock value humor” or “social critique wrapped in absolute banger beats”
it was a 4chan psyop, created to link LGBTQ+ people to pedophiles. And then some pedophiles coopted it. Ever since then some right wing idiots point to MAPs and go: “you actually want pedos to join you”, eventhoigh they have never been allowed to any pride event im aware of.
there are soooo many proposals, but thats actually one i like. of course, it would render the entire diminuitive meaningless, buuuut its cute uwu
In case of night this might work, but for words like might it doesnt. Might now becomes orthographically indistinguishable from mite. Right and rite also lose their distinction.
Fundamentally, the use of pronouns is to point towards something. And the more information is loaded into a pronoun, the better it can point. They arent here to validate the person, but to convey information and to point towards them during conversation.
People choosing their own personal pronouns, thereby choosing the way theyre pointed at, has the added benefit of validating them. But from a linguistical standpoint, all they do is change the pointer and the informations and assumption tacked onto that pointer.9
What the person above wants to express is: While neopronouns can be used in personal conversation, its not feasible to include them into the curriculum for anyone and the chance of your specific neopronoun ending up as a widely used one within your native language are near zero. I think your friends and your immediate surrounding should definitely address you by them. But especially with rapid changing pronouns or those that contradict the phonology of a language or that are close to existing words, they wont see much use. People will fall back to other pronouns, because it simplifies communicatiom for them.
They agreed with Hitler? They were the only faction voting against him during the Gleichschaltungkrise.
“Left is when you agree tp torture and murder communists”. So we both agree that the Stalinist Sovietunion and the KPD, which allied themselves with them arent left?
No, both SPD and KPD were way to the left of all pther political parties and had they banded together, like they did during the Kappputsch, my homecountry wouldnt have been destroyed and 60 Million People would probably still be alive. After every other institution failed Germany, these two failed them in conjunction by not even trying to organize a joined force.