One possible way for this shit not to escalate to nuclear armageddon is if these death cultists are given an off-ramp where they stand to benefit from the new global paradigm. Hella unsatisfying.
One possible way for this shit not to escalate to nuclear armageddon is if these death cultists are given an off-ramp where they stand to benefit from the new global paradigm. Hella unsatisfying.
What is insane though is that libs won’t admit this is a Holocaust because it hasn’t reached those numbers yet. As if they need millions of people dead for Gazans to “earn” their empathy.
Israel has already possibly surpassed Warsaw ghetto massacre numbers with no end in sight. And after the Warsaw Uprising the numbers increased dramatically. Not only that, they’re trying to instigate a regional war to settle more of the Middle East and Northern Africa, just like Germany did with Europe. Israel is fucking mimicking the Nazi playbook right before our all of our eyes.
So far this decade seems to be defined by Western empire maneuvering and provoking its victims to “attack first.” We saw it with Russia and we saw it with the Palestinian resistance.
All I can find online is Maduro joking about how his moustache is similar and Western press running with “omg see guys he admits he wants to a kill bazillion people like Stalin”
Interesting. Can you give me a source/example? Just a jumping off point for my own research?
I’m not educated nearly enough on this particular matter to have an informed opinion on it.
But I will say that, even though communists support Venezuela’s sovereignty and their struggle against Western imperialism, I feel like a lot of communists forget that Venezuela is not a communist country and that Maduro is not a communist. In fact, the relationship between the communists of Venezuela and Venezuelan leadership has been deteriorating pretty heavily over the past decade. The left shouldn’t expect the ruling party of Venezuela to behave like a principled communist party and not be too surprised if they end up violating the sovereignty of another country for their own national interests.
I know no one is seriously claiming Maduro (and by some extention Chavez) is a communist, but he does seem to get romanticized as if he were one.
Sorry if this feels unrelated, so take this comment as just a side-note.
It’s possible to both recognize how a state (Russia, Iran) can occupy an anti-imperialist position due to their circumstances and also recognize that they have seriously bigoted domestic politics.
I know very few people here that are genuinely happy.
Yeah. Considering how many Marxist parties have failed to even get off the ground, there’s no high horse to even sit on here.
As unsatisfying as it would be for the imperial core not to be subject to the same external horrors that they’ve inflicted on the rest of humanity, the world should not need to stoop to the level of the colonizers. The imperial core will continue to grow weaker as China and successive countries that develop continue to build an alternative model of global coexistence. These Western colonizers will then cannibalize their own and eventually succumb to the movements led by their own exploited populaces. At least, that’s the best case scenario for the world.