Because you can’t see through the car door to see where the lines are on the ground
Because you can’t see through the car door to see where the lines are on the ground
But that defeats the purpose of using a neighboring car to help you get between the lines on the first try. It’s a selfish move, but that’s my guess why they do it
I wonder if in a parking lot some people like to park next to an already parked car because it helps them get in between the lines on the first try. So you might be helping someone even though you didn’t know it!
“Mental health” is a term usually used for psychological conditions, not an innate physical disorder of neuron wiring. For example PTSD is a mental health disorder, but Downs syndrome is not
What a dumb idea. Obviously this is a physically unhealthy thing to do. And if my partner wanted me to be in pain then that would be the end of the relationship.
Fyi the claw machine is literally a scam. The owner gets to set how often it will give a prize. Skill is essentially not involved at all. You’d do much much better buying a toy at a dollar store and just putting it into the win chute
No, smoke detectors have expiration dates. The device itself is supposed to be fully replaced every 10 ish years (it varies by model). Over the years the sensors degrade and stop working as well.
Just buy one of the seats if you find them that irresistably attractive. Individual replacement seats probably only cost a couple hundred dollars
I don’t know where you heard that but it’s incorrect
They look so sad with their heads hanging down looking at the ground
Location services work inside the stations, and then from that known point the accelerometers, compass, cameras, mics, and other sensors will get you plenty close enough precision between stations
Hah i should’ve read the other comments first, you already wrote basically the same thing i did
Using very old generation pixel phones would probably be a LOT cheaper than multiple pieces of specialized hardware. Also presumably Google is the one creating the ai that actually makes the system do anything, so naturally they’re gonna use their own devices
This is the correct answer. Don’t listen to the people telling you to just say “no” without anything else. This doesn’t sound like a factory job or retail job, this sounds like an office job. In white collar offices it’s important to maintain good relationships with your coworkers. Don’t go out all the time if you don’t want to, but decline the invitation in a polite pleasant way
He could’ve always been big for his age
Joke aside, that’s not possible. This asteroid is way too small to make a meaningful change in the moons orbit
Try doing "what if"s. Meaning just come up with a question about a scenario, like “what if the sun suddenly disappeared?” The scenario doesn’t have to be good or make any sense, it’s just a question - “What if?”
That’s a huge “if” for both those things to happen at the same time before a resident or staff noticed it happening
Stop conflating “Jewish” with “Israel”.
The world just got a whoooole lot sexier