I’m just positing here, but maaaaaybe she doesn’t want to open the can of worms with spells targeting external hair.
I’m just positing here, but maaaaaybe she doesn’t want to open the can of worms with spells targeting external hair.
Of course it is. There is a similar case in the US right now, or was, by the dude behind the fighting rabbits game and parts of the humble bundle that was being bankrolled in his lawsuit by epic games.
Did they sabotage him?
I don’t know, mate. You can say that all the rules and such were followed, but just like any rigged system, playing by the rules doesn’t mean that things are appropriate. The idea of superdelegates is fucked up. The way we let certain states ‘spoil’ the results and create inertia by voting at different times is fucked up. First past the post voting is fucked up.
Are we about to see self driving cars finally getting some of that truck-doggy-style-action with the popo mobiles?
That sounds interesting, seeing as I am ‘somewhat’ familiar with google’s self driving car program right now, and very little about it is crashing or burning.
Show me a gel/spray that isn’t. They are all going to be some form of ‘sticky,’ which means some form bonding, likely protein or carbohydrate based. Either of those will take oil from your hair when removed/washed off, and are obviously interacting with the keratin itself to create all the stickiness between hair strands.
I’m not an expert by any means, but if it’s hitting your eye, maybe you should adjust your positions.
Also people speaking to the same god being given a different set of rules sounds stupid, so at least most religions must be fake.
Ao is going to put you on the wall, my poor man. You better believe in something!
It’s a forgotten realms reference, don’t worry about it.
Didn’t they add the option to make games private because people made this complaint? The issue now is on family accounts and not seeing it, because there you still can. I don’t need to know what my family is into, thank you very much.
Yep. One of the funniest takes was that the people loved wars. It created population booms.
The aorta is the highway from the heart, Mrs. Frizzle!
I wish I didn’t have to get up until 6am. Some of us had… shudder
0500 hours start times
Like psythik, I hated all those things because of the little time I had to myself. It’s not that I hated the task; showering, eating, and even talking with the neighbors were all enjoyable in their own way (very limited talking time with the neighbors though, for sure, lmao!), but it would always feel like intrusions into the time I had for hobbies or relaxing.
If it helps, I always remember it as ‘the military goes prone, supine is getting a bone.’
And that’s why there’s so much self-loathing these days! You’re brilliant!
zero connotations/implications
I know that octopus ink makes a decent base for pasta sauce, and gets your teeth quite colorful. I think you’re implying you want to be squeezed with some butter and get all over someone’s tongue and molars… You’re so dirty.
My hearing is already going, so there can’t be too much to target. Besides, internal hair (betting a lot of cysts being caused) sounds like a good target for all the wizards who have perfected the mend spell on organic matter.