No, it’s true. The Biden admin drafted this in December, 2024. We have to do better than the right and actually live in reality.
No, it’s true. The Biden admin drafted this in December, 2024. We have to do better than the right and actually live in reality.
In his partners body cam video you can hear a sound before he starts shooting. Still don’t know how you would mistake that for a gunshot, but there was at least a sound 🤷
It looks like it really has to pee.
Not quite. They are pushing it a little harder. You still have the Facebook website, but their branding for other things now has Meta more front and center (i.e. Oculus Quest -> Meta Quest)
Fair enough. I’ve just been jaded from reading people bash on SpaceX anytime anything in space “fails”. But yeah, those events are similar in the sense that on the surface it looks like a failure, but they met their main mission goal and learned a lot from it. It sounds like the engine issue might’ve happened for them before, so hopefully they got a lot of good data from this and are able to fix the issue.
It’s important to keep in mind that going to space is very hard. Landing on another celestial body is order of magnitudes harder.
I don’t know why people insist on trying to diss SpaceX anytime there’s space news… Anyway, last time they missed the Autonomous Drone Ship was years ago when they were first trying to land. So I’m not exactly sure what you are referring to.
Plus, with space missions there are usually many different mission objectives, and with this mission the main mission was to “demonstrate its highly precise navigation and landing system” which they determined to be a success. The extra credit mission would be if it landed properly and they were able to do more science with it.
Maybe I live an extremely boring life, but I definitely do not have a Charlie in my life.
As someone who has floored it in a Tesla with no racing experience, it really isn’t hard to stay in the lane.
It’s not meant to be comforting, it’s supposed to be tongue in cheek.
I get your point, but isn’t that essentially what any rocket is? Lol
Fair enough. Starship is still in its infancy though so I wouldn’t completely give up hope yet.
Apparently you don’t know how to have a conversation… Doing a quick search it seems like Starlink is around the break even point for operating costs and revenue, so if you’d like to provide sources to refute that, that’d be great.
What makes you think Starship isn’t going to Mars?
You have yet to actually provide any counter points other than plugging your ears and saying “Nu uh!”
What? 😂 This flight wasn’t supposed to go to the moon. It’s a test flight. They’re developing the most powerful rocket to have ever flown and recover every part of it. They’re also using a power cycle for the engine that has never been used before. So no, what SpaceX is doing has never been done before.
A reused rocket mission from SpaceX is at least an order of magnitude cheaper than any other major launch provider. And to this date SpaceX has flown 216 reused rockets, and at least one of those was used for a manned mission.
There’s only 8 (or 9 depending on who you ask) planets in the solar system. So Musk would have 2 fingers to spare. And we haven’t even “landed” on all of them (not sure how you’d land on a gas giant…)
Also to make it clear, it was never planned to even make it to LEO. SpaceX has made it very clear that they wanted to get close to the energy experienced during an actual reentry without actually making it to orbit.
You do realize that most of the money NASA has given SpaceX has been in the form of contracts to launch missions for them? I’m pretty sure very minimal tax dollars are going to Starship development right now, especially compared to other launch providers (ULA, Blue Origin, ect.) It’s because of SpaceX that America is able to launch Astronauts to space without using Russia since the Space Shuttle was retired.
I respect the integrity to do that!