But you already decided, onions
They can certainly be promoted towards it
But do they sell it to third parties?
Oh yeah that makes more sense xD I was wondering for wait to long why someone would send their phone number and bank account in the same message
Why would you even be sending them together?
Sorry, but sleeping in levitation has been found to be detrimental to your health, you need to sleep in a 0g environment
Drive 300 meters to a store? One of the most american sounding sentences :p
oh yeah, also the mozilla foundation (non-profit) has 100% share in two for-profit corporations, mozilla corporation and MZLA technologies corporation, and all three are run by the same ceo
so technically it is non-profit, but it at least seems very blurry
To be fair on Mozilla, it’s practically a for profit company, donations make up about 1-2% of their income, with most of their money coming from having google as default search engine
It’s all fun and gas, you can take it
Wait I thought yellow was bad, red was better and blue was best
Who do you think the sphinx was modeled after?
They just work for free because of the “implications”
That’s exactly how I use it (but for more things than excel), it works pretty well as a documentation ‘searcher’ + template/example maker
Damn :/ I caught them randomly on a Tuesday
Can certainly recommend it if the opportunity strikes
Its territory is underappreciated?