I think my brain’s inside voice has gone hoarse, anyone got any water?
I think my brain’s inside voice has gone hoarse, anyone got any water?
Guys, I don’t know what’s going on in the world and their wars. I just want a president who isn’t abhorently evil. Do we have to revolutionize to find that 3rd option orrr?
Huh. Its like I wanted a revolution in America, not a world war. Although that sounds good, we should all stand up to our oppressors and die fighting for what we care for. I’d rather die revolutionizing than dying for any current global leader
Guys, when is the revolution? I wanna burn down every government building and start from scratch. I don’t think Americans will be happy whether Biden or Trump is voted in, so we might as well fight both sides and uprise a new one
I’m in this pic and I don’t like it
Guys, why can’t we just agree, murder = bad ?
I think microsoft picked, “games (umlimited games), but no games”
If it really boils down to this, how can one fight back? I don’t wanna sit here and see these sad articles blow by, what can I do to tell Disney to fuck off. I did not sign up for this, I wanted to watch funny cartoons and superheroes like a normal person, and this is my reward? If suing them is futile, is storming their office and yelling at their corporate head about this any better? I’m pissed, and I can’t sit here and wait for other legal heads to shut this stupid clause down.