magazine front cover
magazine front cover
Changeling: the Dreaming fan here. Our system is better suited to the roleplay side of things, several sessions can go by without a single combat, and it’s not the core focus of the system.
“I use NixOS, btw”
Isn’t this just an ad hominem? You aren’t disagreeing with the point, just saying you dislike the creed that said it.
Welcome back to alt.*
I wish they’d port reddit’s old multireddit feature over, and make those lists shareable.
There’s too many AOL users.
You mean they see the non-profit organisation as a rival?
enshittification imminent.
The Dude was on to something, white russian all the way.
Popeye’s biscuits with raisins in them.
I for one, welcome the presence of bluesky.
man, I need more paintings of cats in my life.
I’m over here enjoying Changeling: the Dreaming.