In my family we add copious amounts of dill pickles, eggs and pickle juice. Just a splash and only add it on the day of serving.
In my family we add copious amounts of dill pickles, eggs and pickle juice. Just a splash and only add it on the day of serving.
You know, being 1/2 Korean and 1/2 typical white American I can say y’all shouldn’t be sleeping on potato salad. You can use other and additional ingredients than mayo. My Korean family fucking loves my white family’s potato salad.
Love is looking at weird lumps and bumps on or around your person’s genitalia. Actually, love might be being comfortable enough to ask someone to checkout that mole on your taint.
Thank you for your service 🫡
I have scars / bumps on my legs that I am self conscious about. I wanted to wear a dress to a party in mid summer. Two months of extreme effort to moisturize and not scratch and I thought they looked pretty darn good … For me at least. My niece asked why I had polka dots on my legs within two minutes of greeting me. Kids just be spittin’ truth. So I cover my legs.
Sounds like the start to a yummy gravy lol
Reddit, but I won’t post or engage there on principle.
Rose garden represent.
And me! I’m an ear-fucking pervert!
I definitely have not practiced anything with perspective, which I was really feeling with the boxes! Thanks for the constructive feedback, I hope to have some hefty looking trash for your viewing pleasure in the future 😀
This looks accurate but I’ll need to check my sources.
I’m fairly sure my husband does this for me, just as I do for him. We know how far to let one another struggle before fun becomes frustration. I love playing single player games as a couple.
I am so grateful to have gotten the Essure sterilization procedure without any side effects. I am curious why we aren’t working to refine the procedure rather than completely banning it. I got fixed with no incisions and walked out of the appointment just a couple hours after arriving.
Tubal is so invasive and I thought Essure was going to fix that but apparently not
I just yell “okay Google how much does a cup of peanut butter weigh” if Google doesn’t get me a good answer usually my husband will run in yelling the conversions he googled so I will stop yelling at the spy-assistant bot. I have encountered few ingredients that I couldn’t find a weight conversion for.
As an American who was taught to use cups and had recipe books that used cups, I dunno but it’s dumb. A cup of peanut butter?! Like no fucking way I’m scooping that shit into a cup then into whatever I’m making. But I did measure just like that before I knew better. I have a food scale and convert cups to a weight and I will never turn back.
I’ve said this elsewhere, but if you are in the states and have health insurance sterilization is covered! For those with lady bits too! This changed with ACA and as soon as it was in effect I started searching for doctors. Easier said than done unless you are old or already have children. But it is possible now, unless you are in some state that used their right to take that right away.
The best servers don’t hover in obvious ways. I swear more times than I can count I’ve finished a drink, said something to my dining partner or taken a bite of food, and looked down to find a new Shirley temple. Those servers are magic and earn their tips. (disclaimer I hate tipping culture but this is the world we exist in and some nice lady bringing me Shirley temples shouldn’t suffer for me not liking it)
Loop hero is really fun imo! Also solitarica