Ah, I suppose now’s a good time since they just signed an agreement to import peas and seafood from Ukraine
Ah, I suppose now’s a good time since they just signed an agreement to import peas and seafood from Ukraine
Whoa it’s almost like they weren’t there in the first place :0
Guess they couldn’t keep the lie going forever lol
I much prefer transparent censorship over subliminal propaganda. The LLM should tell me when the subject is something it’s not wired to talk about instead of spouting propaganda pretending it’s not biased.
And anyway, it’s FOSS. Mess around with it to fit your needs.
UN vote on combating glorification of nazism
Maybe because it’s the instance that hosts the largest pro fascist-coup gov community. Everything I’ve seen from it at least seems to enforce that stereotype
Love that they leave out Blender and Godot from the thumbnail lol
Also, Inkscape is great. Dunno why they’re complaining about it.
Moscow may be able to address the continent’s urgent security demands through arms sales that exceed Washington’s capacity
Happens when you deindustrialize your own country to crush working-class movements
Dang didn’t realize that’s what it was referencing
Chad behaviour
That’s included in the “industrializing” part, no?
Under capitalism, industrialization and therefore “market domination” realistically means ignoring the laws meant to keep competition down.
Yeah, it’s terrible how capitalists and their megacorps might not profit as much if that’s happening…
(which it isn’t these days btw; countries like the US and China violated bullshit british IP laws when industrializing, and they don’t really need to do that once they are industrialized)
It’s a tool that’s often used for imperialism, so while it’s not like it had “nothing to do with religion”, pointing at it instead of class society is kinda putting the cart before the horse.
Like Alsephina said, it seems like you’re still stuck in a religious mindset. The issue of religion will simultaneously be tackled by dealing with its root causes: class society and material conditions. As is what happened / is happening in socialist societies like the USSR, China, DPRK etc.
Palestine is being colonized for being a bridge between Asia and Africa, not for any “religious” reasons. Theodor Herzl, founder of the “zionism” was a racist colonizer who saw colonizing Palestine as bringing ‘civilization’ to ‘barbarians’ as the rest of Europe did when they were colonizing and enslaving Africa and Asia:
“We should there form a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. We should as a neutral State remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence.” Source [II]
The difference now is that the US has been the de facto leader of the imperial core since WW2, no longer UK in Europe, hence the US being its main master.
Religions are a consequence of class society and a region’s material conditions. Seeing anything entirely through the lens of religion is not very materialist.
Settler colonialism wasn’t a religion last time I checked
World’s largest settler colony votes in favour of colonialism. More at 11
The U.S. official said Israel notified the U.S. in advance. “We were not surprised,” the official said.
I thought they were at least gonna continue pretending they don’t want a regional escalation?
Iran warns Israel, US of ‘severe response’ in case of retaliation
Sanctions have been a blessing for Russia and China. Seems like they just make massive economies more self-sustaining and global south-oriented.
Lmfao this is the funniest thing I’ve read all week. What alternate universe are libs living in?
When/if a civil war or working-class revolution ever reaches the heart of the imperial core — the US — it will be after most of the world has overthrown capitalism to become socialist (assuming capitalism doesn’t kill us all by climate change or a nuclear war by then), not at the start of a hypothetical major war.
Eh best for those libs to stay on reddit and not pollute this place