The actual results are in the text. 56% personifiers among autists vs 33% among not autists, p<0.05. Self report is p=0.06.
The actual results are in the text. 56% personifiers among autists vs 33% among not autists, p<0.05. Self report is p=0.06.
Scientific papers are often titled “What it’s actually about: something witty.” This one is about object personification and so after the colon they personify the paper itself by giving it an emotion.
That sounds awful, I’m sorry you have to go through that. They have those extra leg room exit row seats, but they seem to allocate them at random instead of to tall people.
You say you stand up right away because you’ve been jammed into your seat for hours, so I’m wondering why you didn’t stand up during the flight. Then you wouldn’t be jammed in for hours…
Why not stand up during the flight?
Why didn’t you just stand up during the flight?
Sounds amazing. Could you provide a link or at least enough names that I can google it?