Got a 10 year old laptop that couldn’t do anything while running Windows 10. Couldn’t install Windows 11 because no TPM chip. Was about to replace it when I thought screw it and gave Linux a go.
It now runs as smoothly as the day I got it, and am now a Linux convert.
We had these where I worked, what a lot of people miss is these don’t actually record until the person wearing it presses a button, it doesn’t have the battery life to record, encode, then broadcast video for 8+ hours. No doubt when that becomes feasible they’ll give it a go though.
In the UK we have to announce to everyone it’s recording. The gangs and thieves know this and don’t care. They were happy to attack and rob us when we already had store wide CCTV.
The only deterrent that worked was a security guard we had for a short while, but the company withdrew them because we weren’t losing over 5% of our daily take to theft, ignoring that we got the guard because two people had been sent to hospital after being attacked by a gang of youths.