If anyone is interested, Horses has a great video regarding fascism and textbook definitions
I have a math degree and still can’t do basic addition
Anti-tankie leftist
If anyone is interested, Horses has a great video regarding fascism and textbook definitions
Everyone in general
Emulation when I was younger (and to a lesser extent now. I own the vast majority of old consoles/games I have any interest in playing these days). These days it’s near exclusively TV/Movies and pretty much entirely because of convenience. Between myself and the others in my household, we have near every streaming service, I just can’t be fucked to figure out which one what I want to watch is on.
I really need to get around to turning my old pc into a media server.
I think survivorship bias plays into it as well. Yeah, most the stuff on the radio today is kinda meh. Most the stuff on the radio in those days was kinda meh too. All the meh songs got forgotten, and you only remember the bangers. You’ve already seen it happen to 00s music and we’re watching it happen with the 10s.
But yeah, it’s wild how many people look at how accessible different types of music are now and just… don’t go looking.
Right? I remember being absolutely mind blown away by a 2gb SD card. Nowadays I pickup a 32gb microSD for $3 every time I got to Micro Center
Something tells me they already were
Then again this is a left leaning space. Everyone here is on a list.
There are no words how much I specifically hate Ann Wagner and Jason Smith. Two of the biggest shit stains in this state.
Funding a genocide is bad, actually.
“Far left liberal”
I’m sorry but when the “serious issues” are whether or not some of my best friends have a right to exist, there will be no calm discussions.
Yeah no, you owe bigoted shitheads nothing just because you happen to share DNA with them
When the disconnect is whether or not people deserve rights just because of things like gender identity, I don’t give a shit about finding common ground. The bigoted shitbags can eat shit and die
Best news I’ve heard in a while!
I don’t think anyone on the grid expects much from Stroll, the issue Danny seems to have is how Stroll played the victim despite the fact he very blatantly simply wasn’t paying attention.
I generally prefer people don’t spread misinformstion through laziness, yes.
The target audience is kids who grew up watching Blues Clues. I’m pretty sure most the target audience would have gotten it.
You weren’t the target audience, that’s fine.
Shame it wasn’t sooner
They are separate bills. You’d know that if you bothered to read the first sentence of the second paragraph that OP copy/pasted. You didn’t even have to click on the article.
112 Russian assets we need to purge this November
What does that have to do with calling them what they are, a recall.
Ones here in the states vary a lot from place to place. Some places have absolutely everything, books, movies, games, tools, makerspaces (or at least 3d printers), computers etc.
But most city libraries outside if your big big ones are still relatively small. My local one is about the size of a small grocery store, real modest. Damn do the workers there pour their hearts and souls into it though, they’re always hosting events and stuff. Really appreciate our library workers. Main benefit is getting access to their network, which generally gets you a whole host of other stuff. Ebook rentals, audio book rentals, book transfers, etc.
It’s a shame what the GoP is trying to do to the American library system.