Will any pressure below 1 bar work at all? Wont it just suck the air in instead?
Will any pressure below 1 bar work at all? Wont it just suck the air in instead?
was kicked in the head like this once. Flew a meter into the wall
It’s not always about storage. It can also be more processes that drains battery, more attack vectors etc.
I like this. Maybe it needs some words on bloatware that is enforced on users agains their interests?
installing more than base
, linux
, and linux-firmware
is bloat.
… most people don’t get it …
Personally I’ve had more issues tweaking Debian to just work as needed then Arch
At some point I’ve installed rust implementation of the coreutils from the AUR, they worked for a long while until some ssl vulnerability were discovered and everyone had to update the library. As you can imagine, without working coreutils system were hard to use. troubleshooting were also a pain in the ass because who could blame coreutils of all things? :P
Better would be to delete without confirmation but being able to quickly reverse it with Ctrl+Z
*stirr untill fully evaporated
Always to remember to vacum the floor after a pc build to get rid of excessive screws
Meh, screen angle is constant. Not impressed until it supports screens with a constant angular velocity.
true heroes
how is mime cache related to this?
It says it’s scraped and not leaked
Ahh, relative pressure