Is it such a hassle learning verilog if you know vhdl or vice versa?
Is it such a hassle learning verilog if you know vhdl or vice versa?
Its available on flathub, thats arguably better than any repos
Well, thats today that is. What about tomorrow?
Hyperland and arch? Not what I expected
Nice one, didn’t know about moreutils
. I indeed used p10k on top of zsh. New zsh
instance without sourcing anything zsh --no-rcs
managed to write to file without issues. Thanks
yep. that did it. I had to wrap the entire thing in quotes though
sh -c "echo 'test' | sudo tee newfile"
no way. I’m in /tmp for this one
echo 'test' | tee newfile
tee: newfile: Permission denied
echo 'test' | sudo tee newfile #the prompt never returns when running this in zsh
does not prompt for password in my container. It just elevates the privileges straight away. Yeah, it’s hard to tell. Or test for that matter.
what I was saying was that echo "text" | sudo tee newfile
would hang and never return and needs to be interrupted. I just noticed this does not happen in bash but I was testing in zsh.
Guessing that file doesn’t exist already is the problem, and you don’t even need to use tee in this example.
you’ve missed the point here I’m afraid. But I’ll blame it on my for not explaining properly what I was intending to do.
I just switched over to bash and it worked lol. It just didn’t return for me in zsh…
yeah indeed. I’m setting up a container with these instructions for ROS2. There you’ll have to add a repository to the apt sources list.
I use neovim but i think helix is honestly better ootb.
ahh so the remote system needs to have the docker stack as well then. hmm, that might be an issue :p
Ahh, relative pressure
Will any pressure below 1 bar work at all? Wont it just suck the air in instead?
was kicked in the head like this once. Flew a meter into the wall
It’s not always about storage. It can also be more processes that drains battery, more attack vectors etc.
I like this. Maybe it needs some words on bloatware that is enforced on users agains their interests?
installing more than base
, linux
, and linux-firmware
is bloat.
You wont find any. Just think of it. Bad news / bad numbers would be a morale hit