I was going to say I partly disagree and that the “those people” element depends on the Society (i.e. different in different countries) but after thinking about it, I actually agree that wanting to be “comparativelly better” rather than better in absolute is a pretty general thing for rightwingers everywhere, and what changes in the countries I lived in is mainly they way they go about doing it (i.e. in England that overwhelmingly materialises in people spending a lot of time and effort in keeping those below them in the “prosperity ladder” from climbing up, whilst in The Netherlands there’s a lot less of that).
So, yeah, thanks for pointing that out.
America hasn’t really stood for Freedom (in the pure sense and deserving of a capital F) from when it’s “Democracy” ‘for male landowners only’ was formed, followed by a couple of centuries of taking all the land of the territory it claimed away from the Commons (and the various Indian Tribes who were its main users) and making all of it have owners (i.e. with its use by others controlled by said owners rather than Free).
In its territory, America has had somewhat better periods in that regard, but even the end of Slavery didn’t really end it, just restricted it to be only for prisioners, whilst outside its territory America always acted to make other people’s lives and possessions serve the best interests of a powerful subsection of the American society rather than be free (hence how most of those interventions involved replacing one dictator by a different pro-America dictator, or setting up semi-Democratic regimes whose hands were tied by a web of obligations to America and some of it’s allies, such as how the US and UK basically gave themselves oil exploitation contracts for most of Iraq’s oil wealth and “security” contracts at the end of the 2nd Iraq War and then set up a “Democratic” government there).
However unlike with regimes were the web of laws and property that curtails most people’s freedom is much thinner and more direct, and hence more obvious, American Propaganda on “Freedom” has always been top-notch.