I’m so used to seeing English everywhere that I actually have trouble navigating things like settings in my native Serbian.
I’m so used to seeing English everywhere that I actually have trouble navigating things like settings in my native Serbian.
Imagine if he went to Korea
That’s a tough question, I gave a more detailed answere here: https://slrpnk.net/comment/13457345
The opposition parties are not very popular, but the general idea is that we need to primarily get our institutions to actually function so that another Vucic doesn’t happen again, no matter who forms the government. Nobody really knows how this will play out exactly, since the students are vocal about the fact that they’re unaffiliated with any opposition or NGO, which is one of the reasons why they are so popular with the people. All major opposition parties rejected the idea of participating in any snap elections this year, and the students are asking for an expert transitional government to enable free elections. This is something most people support.
Yeah, someone made a joke about how our president is a master of diplomacy: he managed to build a bridge between Serbs and Croats (as we all despise him), and also make the US, Russia and China agree on something (all 3 have dismissed the student-led protests).
Not directly related to the anti-corruption protests, but Croats started boycotting their local supermarkets due to high prices, and the whole region soon followed suit. It’s honestly almost bizarre that while most of the world is looking bleak, the Balkans are now engaging in optimism and mutal support. This is the first time since I developed self-consciousness that I can say that Serbs are optimistic about the future, as many believe that this might very well be the end for the current regime, and that a new system with an emphasis on direct democracy will take its place.
I have to ask, as someone who has only a basic understanding of the philosophies, how are the end goals of Anarchists and Marxists different? I understood them as only having different methods of arriving to the same state of society without class, states and money - communism.
By my understanding, Anarchists go bottom up by propping up a parallel system based on voluntary cooperation and mutual aid, to the point where the state is no longer needed for anything, and Marxists (or rather Marxist-Leninists) go top down by seizing control of the state in the name of the workers, and then gradually give the workers more and more direct control until the state is no longer needed (“The withering of the state”).
Assuming what I just wrote is wrong, what faults would Anarchists and Marxists find in each other’s end goals, assuming they succeed in establishing their ideal societies?
I never heard about the tildeverse before, sounds really interesting. How does one choose which tilde to join, though? It seems to me like only cosmic.voyage has a specific theme, while the rest only differ in the OS running on the machine. Or are tildes just there to host your account, while all the interactions are done via irc?
This image always comes to mind:
In what way? I use it from time to time to get movies and series. Is there any downside compared to other methods?
Genuine question, I’m not too familiar with the pirate world beyond pirate bay.
My parents don’t speak English, but I learned it as a kid by watching a lot of Cartoon Network. All the cartoons were in English, no subtitles or dub or anything. Somehow I assimilated the language without any external aid, and then learned the rest when we first got the internet and I started communicating with others via games.
So, if I had to teach a kid English, I’d just expose them to as much English as possible with plenty of context and encourage them to express themselves in English when they can. This is also a popular method how adults can learn languages, called tprs
The meaning and ideas of solarpunk are still evolving, but the main themes are freedom, community, ecology and pragmatism. I won’t go over the anarchic organisation of communities since I think you mistook the pragmatism for primitivism.
Solarpunk is not about primitivism and a return to a low-technological era, and neither is it a high tech cyberpunk spinoff, as some others think. Solarpunk is about using practical solutions that are also ethical and egolocially friendly. This often means not throwing stuff away, but fixing what can be fixed and reusing what can be reused, because mass production and consumerism is seen as a damaging force. So instead of trying to make up new tech and produce new things, solarpunk would ask you to first consider whether you can do something already with what you have, which means that a DIY approach is encouraged. However, if new technology can improve our lives without damaging everything else, it’s acceptable.
And it is the complete opposite of thinking about the “good old days”, as solarpunk is looking only towards the future. The ‘punk’ in the name means that when you look at all the doom and gloom in the future (capitalism, wars, global warming) you don’t fall into despair, but instead try to play your part in your community to fight it and promote a lifestyle of mutual aid and a respect for nature, with whatever level of technology can give you the best results.
That was my attempt at a short presentation. We have a wiki and a manifesto if anyone is interested
From what I heard, salt is usually packaged with iodine or some substances that prevent clumping that expire over time. So after some time the salt won’t have those anymore, but it should be safe to consume. Salt cannot spoil because bacteria cannot grow in salty places.
Don’t know how plastic containers relate to that sadly.
“It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it”
And at the end:
“No one keeps death in view, no one refrains from far-reaching hopes; some men, indeed, even arrange for things that lie beyond life—huge masses of tombs and dedications of public works and gifts for their funeral-pyres and ostentatious funerals. But, in very truth, the funerals of such men ought to be conducted by the light of torches and wax tapers, as though they had lived but the tiniest span.” [As if a child had died]
Seneca, On the Shortness of Life
Have you noticed how the articles keep mentioning the Oct 7 first, something that happened 6 months earlier, then goes on the passively call “Palestinian deaths” and not tie to Israel directly, in their titles at least?
I have not actually, the first link starts with:
Life remains dire for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, a city near Gaza’s border with Egypt. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has now set a date for a planned offensive.
October 7th is mentioned in the latter half, as context as to why Rafah has so many people there currently. And it also mentions how Israel’s military told the civilians to evacuate to the south where it would be safer, but:
Rafah was supposed to be a safer place, but it never was, said Loay Fareed, who has been displaced multiple times with his family since the war began.
“There are bombings almost every day, and the frequency is increasing every day,” Fareed, 46, told DW via telephone from Rafah.
If you want the finger pointing directly:
Israel’s siege of the enclave has led to the onset of famine, particularly in northern Gaza, according to aid agencies and the United Nations.
The second link mentions October 7th because it’s literally giving an overview of the state of the region in the past 6 months. And it is literally showing pictures of dead Palestinian children.
The third link does not mention October at all.
The last link mentions October at the end for a 6 month statistic where it is said by name that Israel killed Palestinians:
At least 29,782 Palestinians have been killed and 70,043 injured in Israeli strikes on Gaza since 7 October, the Gaza health ministry said. In the past 24 hours, 90 Palestinians were killed and 164 injured in Israeli strikes, the ministry said.
“The Israeli government is starving Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians, putting them in even more peril than before the World Court’s binding order,” Omar Shakir, the Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch, said.
“The Israeli government has simply ignored the court’s ruling, and in some ways even intensified its repression, including further blocking lifesaving aid.”
And this is just stuff I found after scrolling the above media websites for like 10 mins in total. There is no monolithic “western media” entity that repeats the same lines as almost all ‘criticism of western media’ implies. Some are objective, some are biased to a one specific side, some to another, some are just crap.
But whatever the case, it is demonstrably not true that no popular media in the west is reporting on the massive killings and destruction performed by Israel, that they all just ignore or downplay it.
Seconding this. I started doing 10-15 mins of yoga when I get up and around 30 mins when I get home from work a few weeks ago and I haven’t had back pain since.
A colleague lent me a book with various yoga poses a few weeks ago and it has massively improved how I feel. Currently I’m working on digitizing it by creating an application where you can choose a pose, and it will be shown on your screen. I never made gui apps with GTK before, so it’s a nice learning experience.
I forced myself to watch through the first season of Breaking Bad, the second was meh, but starting from the third and until the end it became the best series I ever watched. The same happend to a friend, he wanted to stop watching, I told him to go on and at the end he loved it.
Better Call Saul also got better as episodes went on.
The Foundation series had terrible pacing in the first season, and they massively improved on that in the second.
When people had analogue technology (radio/phonograph) there was no solid concept of the universe being a simulation
I’d argue that Neoplatonism is very close to the idea of the world being a simulation. “The One” is a creative power that made all things, itself being beyond existing. That neatly corresponds to the idea of a machine simulating us, as it itself is not simulated, but simulates.
Even Plato can be seen in that light. There exists a world of perfect forms, and this is but a projection = There is a reality the simulation is based on and computed. Our souls know everything in their pure states outside the bodies = The class is on the same level as all other data until you instantiate it.
Of course nobody talked about computers, but the general idea was there. The simulation theory could be seen as just fleshing out the technical details, but the architecture was there for a while. Not that I necessarily agree with either, I just think that the simulation theory is not really a new concept in its core.
I made an account
Hands down the best free Greek course I ever came across, can’t recommend it enough for anyone interested in Greek.