For now it just works. I have no complaints. I ran into just a few tiny snags and was able to resolve everything with a google search. It’s installed on my 10 year old desktop.
For now it just works. I have no complaints. I ran into just a few tiny snags and was able to resolve everything with a google search. It’s installed on my 10 year old desktop.
Demand better from the devs. And seeks out games that work on linux. There are plenty of them.
I installed Linux Mint three days ago. Nvidia drivers got installed automatically and I was able to load up steam and play right away. No idea what this meme is talking about
I installed Linux Mint a few days ago. It’s been great so far.
This looks like an attempt at a video. I doubt the angle will work, but it might make for an intersting shot with the right lens and camera.
Good to hear. I would prefer C# since I know enough of it.
You are 100% correct. I meant to say blockchain.
Just forked over $25 because I have nothing to do at work. I’ve had a game idea kicking around in my head for a decade. Maybe it’s time to try making it.
McDonals used to have a $0.39 cheeseburger in the late 90s. Maybe it was a promo. $4 could get you 10 cheeseburgers and that’s what we used to get when I was lifeguardig.
Isn’t crypto a good use case here actually? No cental database.
There’s a demo on the PC which I really enjoyed. But, I didn’t get any Zelda vibes, besides the graphics.
I agree with you 100% but even adoption has been corrupted. Go to and search for a doodle. You will instantly see a bunch of puppies that are clearly from the same litter with an “adoption fee” of $800. I recently learned it’s called “retail rescue”.
We need to start heavily regulating breeders and educating the public.
There are way too many games out there for me to care anymore. Once i build my new PC, its Linux only. If it doesn’t run on Linux, I don’t need to play it.
I love mine for listening to audiobooks at home. I can pause them and have a conversation with my family without having to take them off.
This sounds cool, but the name is unfortunate due to Google’s gemini
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And in a theater, so quite a lot of money spent too.
There are so many good games out there, I can simply skip the ones that don’t run on Linux.
Why the hell did I listen to some rando on Wallstreetbets and bought that stock I will never know. I refuse to sell it though since it’s a good reminder to not get sucked into that again.
I am really not liking the pace myself, but I do have a programming background. I am watching at 2x speed just.