Will talk excessively about metal guitar and functional programming if not stopped
Also visit me at me on Mastodon
I’m referring to this controversy, just in case that wasn’t obvious:
For representational reasons, I miss the logo of the Rust programming language, but I have the hint of an idea why the creator of the meme didn’t put it in there.
That sounds conclusive, too. After giving it some more thought, I believe larger parts might slip through that aren’t round but, like, cylindrical. No idea though if this does anything significant to the taste. Like always in science: Further research is required!
I’m less concerned about the money than the shelf space in my small-ish kitchen and that I have to justify another purchase to my SO, especially since “we have good coffee already!”. 😄
I’ll look into the Toddy non the less. “Thanks” for another round of GAS! 🙈
I do own a hand grinder and make nice pour overs and such most of the time. Thing is that the rest of my family hasn’t found the same joy in coffee as I have (yet), so they continue to buy the awful stuf. For many reasons, I’d like to make the best of that sort of raw material.
I read your other comment and even replied to it IIRC, thanks for tuning in on the other discussion as well!
Doing some sort of immersion sounds reasonable when I can’t do cold brew. I also like the idea of implementing some advanced self filtering with a kitchen sieve, where I could easily just sieve the coffee again through the same grounds and probably catch most of the sediment that way.
That went to my watch list immediately, thx!
Interesting. That goes against what Lance says in the video, but doesn’t sound implausible. Though I wonder how you can grind any larger than the setting of your grinder. Also, to my understanding, with slow feeding you only produce less of those finer grinds that come from mushing the beans together when grinding the whole dose at once. As I don’t have a particle size analyser at home, I’m only guessing here, though. 😄
I already do oat milk, and try to get away from it for purity and calories 🙈
Haha, that’d make me a caveman, as I often times fail to recognise even the most typical flavours in coffee 😄
That said, I recently learned from a video by our Lord and Saviour, James Hoffmann, that most of these perceptions will only ever come to you when doing side by side comparisons with other coffees.
That’s just the sort of gadget I’m very likely to buy, please don’t point me to that kind of stuff! 😄
I might implement a routine though where I always have some cold brew concentrate available in the fridge in case I need coffee and can’t put in the time & effort of a pour over etc, so good suggestion!
Our water always came across to me as acceptable, but I wanted to measure the aspects most important to coffee non the less anyway. I’ll keep your suggestion in mind, thanks!
Did the cold brew in a french press, and it was great! After 18 hours of steeping, it was perfect (given the temperatures outside). After that, it went bitter again, but also, the ratio of coffee to liquid had shifted quite a bit as I started to drink the coffee without removing grounds.
Filtration also was great, no sediment whatsoever.
Others have suggested that pour over would even emphasise the bad taste. Hm, I might conduct a single cup experiment one day none the less.
But yeah, in my family, I also have those people who actually seem to want their coffee taste as bitter as the 8th season of Game of Thrones was. Offering them anything else feels like throwing pearls before swine.
I believe we misunderstood each other here. I was under the impression that a homogeneous particle size distribution was desirable, as this allows for the most even extraction, where a heterogeneous distribution would mean that the finer particles are extracted too much (hence make for unwanted bitterness), while the bigger pieces are extracted too little (so that sour notes creep into the coffee). Am I getting this wrong?
Sorry for derailing btw 😄
That sounds really good. I‘ve got a french press already and at the moment, the nights are so cold here that I just might just let it steep outside over night.
Microwaving isn’t anything I‘d frown upon, apart from my bias at least that I almost exclusively associate that with old, stale and overall horrible taste when it comes to coffee. But I might just try that as well. Thanks for the suggestions!
My questions whether you do this with every method stems from that especially with espresso - or what I can do with an Aeropress to mimic it -, slow feeding takes significantly more time due to the fine grind size, and to my taste, the improvement is really insignificant compared to a more coarsely ground pour over. On the other hand, my espresso is little more than a concentrated regular Aeropress coffee, and the beans I have at hand for this particular variant are supermarket material, hence also less than ideal. Would be interesting to test what difference this makes with a portafilter.
To my understanding of the accompanying theory, the particle size distribution shouldn’t be as widespread on finer grind settings anyway, so that would also explain my experience.
Thanks anyway for sharing.
Fair bit of grind variance being a perk
I don‘t mean to put you off a wonderful vintage grinder, but isn‘t grind variance considered bad? If with that you mean, using the a more technical terminology, heterogeneous particle size distribution. Because that would result in both over- and underextraction happening in your brew at the same time.
Again, if everything works fine for you, don’t let me try fix a problem you don’t have.
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