I’m also a dual citizen, and as soon as people find that out, all they want to talk about is “your president”, as if I voted for the motherfucker. I’ve lived in Canada for 16 years and will never go back to that shithole, and everybody wants me to take responsibility for what D-bag does. I didn’t vote for him, I don’t live in the US, and all they want to do is yell at me every time he does something idiotic (which is of course every single day). Needless to say I stopped telling people where I’m from. I’ve gotten really good at the Canadian accent, I sound like I was born & raised on the Prairies. Nobody could pick me out… except for the fact that I don’t have a German surname and I’m not Mennonite
at some point they’re gonna want our water, and it’ll be much easier if we’re a US territory when they finally make the decision to take it