I’ve decided to abstain from voting, this time.
Granted, it may be because I’m nowhere near the U.S.
If you are, though, do pick your poison. You have this system, make use of it. And none of that “but it won’t change anything” nonsense!
I’ve decided to abstain from voting, this time.
Granted, it may be because I’m nowhere near the U.S.
If you are, though, do pick your poison. You have this system, make use of it. And none of that “but it won’t change anything” nonsense!
If that doesn’t work, try an alternative approach and inform them it actually stands for “Let’s Go Bully Thatcher”.
Not ideal, but they won’t drop the T any more.
I thought I’d see more cutting-edge technology here, hmm.
The less you remember, the more open is the gate for the next one like him to show up. It’s for a similar reason that Germans very much do make sure the Nazis aren’t forgotten about, e.g. Let him have his fame in history books.
As an example of what to avoid and how to avoid getting someone like him back.
Ooooh now I get it.
Manslaughter :)
Man’s laughter [:|
Previously, the poor guy worked at a fab for mobile processors. The task was simple, catch wafers falling from machines fast. Guy has RISC’d his ARMs for the job.
I knew it. I knew it and I’ve clicked anyway. Monkey brain see coloured text, monkey go click.
Let’s put an end to this systemd-debated!
Thanks to you, I have overdrawn my Tageslachkontingent and will either have to compensate by laughing less tomorrow or filling out a Tageslachkontingenterhöhungsantrag.
Round is a shape, too!
True strength is bending the machine to appease your habits, not to bend your habits to appease the machine.
Sure the country needs to be turned off and on again, but clearly the median isn’t interested in that. So what remains? The system.