I’ve played enough D&D to know a Dragon hiding themselves with Illusion magic when I see one. Just leave your gold as tribute and don’t look’em in the eye.
I’ve played enough D&D to know a Dragon hiding themselves with Illusion magic when I see one. Just leave your gold as tribute and don’t look’em in the eye.
No spoilers, but as a low INT character I recommend doing any surgical operations that you have the chance to do. It’s a fun time.
I preferred Father’s Against Rude Television. They are the original FARTers. This new fangled group are nothing but posers.
If you’re American, please don’t forget to file you taxes.
The Upper or Lower horn?
“There’s always time for lubricant”
-Man with aliens in his butt
You could use it as a belt maybe?
Like the canesword, it’s a belt first and when hooligans are up to hooligan things you can give them what for. . .
. . .as your pants fall down.
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Building a self sustainable underwater home, and not paying taxes on said home.
I asked a friend of mine about this recently and she told me it was because it helps her kids learn patience.
That got me thinking about it, I personally learned a rather large amount of patience because of ads when I was growing up so it made a lot of sense to me.
That’s what I thought at well. Nature has a way of sorting out poachers like this.
Even a single extra minute is worth all the money in the world.
Attack sponsored by Adobe?
Saw this in one of the Linux forums. I hope its useful.