Bethesda also claims to have released a game new instrumental album called Starfield.
Shame about the price tag and download size though.
Bethesda also claims to have released a game new instrumental album called Starfield.
Shame about the price tag and download size though.
To create the enemy without.
Never know when you might need it.
Take’em out behind the chemical shed.
Keep it in case you need to make napalm, perhaps?
A lot of the US’s least educated, easily duped, or most vulnerable to propaganda are starting to find out that they backed the wrong horse. These added labels are most likely for them.
Gotta watch an ad before it’ll work. And another one to post it.
Alaska is in no way a battleground state. We have 3 Electoral college votes. And the state has been red forever. Mostly because a good portion of the states population like Republicans stance towards taxes.
Sure we get a few independents here or there but they are rare. And generally a supremely popular candidate that could run under any party and win.
EA. Microsoft. Sony. They all already have product placement similar to movies in their games. Anything to make a buck, except make good games.
Saw this in one of the Linux forums. I hope its useful.
I’ve played enough D&D to know a Dragon hiding themselves with Illusion magic when I see one. Just leave your gold as tribute and don’t look’em in the eye.
No spoilers, but as a low INT character I recommend doing any surgical operations that you have the chance to do. It’s a fun time.
I preferred Father’s Against Rude Television. They are the original FARTers. This new fangled group are nothing but posers.
If you’re American, please don’t forget to file you taxes.
The Upper or Lower horn?
“There’s always time for lubricant”
-Man with aliens in his butt
If Trump tries to pull an Andrew Jackson, it would fall to me and the other US citizens to protest and be so disobedient that paying the bills is the lesser of the 2 evils.
I really hope it doesn’t come to that, but if does that he will have broken the checks and balances that give our government legitimacy. And at that point, all bets are off and we, as citizens of the US, will need to decide which side of history we are going to be on. (Fuck I hate this timeline)