Happy birthday! 🎂 😁🎉
I don’t want to use Bootstrap in my future project because Twitter. What are y’all using now?
It’s in French, but sure 🙂 https://ptitemadame.ca/
My mom started blogging as a hobby when she retired, and over the past 12 years, I’ve been hosting and maintaining her WordPress site. She has written over 1100 posts, focusing on lifestyle, beauty, and various products reviews.
Her blog has opened many doors for her; she’s been invited to exclusive events, met celebrities, and received tons of free products.
I’m incredibly proud to support her by managing this part of the “small web” for her. 🥰
Me, an intellectual, who was already mounting the database data folder to the host filesystem.
I actually do but I’m slowly getting used to LibreOffice 🙂
The web editor isn’t nearly as good as their desktop app counterpart. LibreOffice is fine for basic usage, but Excel is still king if you’re using any kind of advanced feature.
Steam and Lutris are amazing 😎
Thanks! Subscribed! 😀
I need to dual boot Windows for my stupid Xbox games and stupid Office that don’t run in Wine. 😭
I’m so far left that I got my guns back 🙂
I feel like the quality and quantity of posts and comments have drastically increased over the last month. Idk what happened, maybe it’s just me but I’m glad this place exists. I’m having a blast! 💜
Gladly paying for Kagi as well.
Soulmates are not found. They’re made.
“The world is cruel but you don’t have to be”
Nice suggestions! I picked up almost all of them thanks to you!