Is knowing which WiFi or 4-5g bands are most heavily used, useful? If so what’s the name of the app and where do you get the app?
#SaveInvidious #SaveNewPipe Privacy is a human right, thank you Edward Snowden. I post my opinions on subjects wether people agree or not, if you want to disscuss than do so respectfully and ill do the same. Check out my sublemmy 10_0s basement.
Is knowing which WiFi or 4-5g bands are most heavily used, useful? If so what’s the name of the app and where do you get the app?
Folding phones be like
Fdroid, you scroll through it and find games and tools you didn’t know you needed until you’re either: in the middle of nowhere, or need a tool that you don’t have and just use an app for.
2016 election: idiot one or two.
2024 election: felon or Designated Survivor.
This meme has been nationalized for the people
No just download it and never have to keep track
True and the worse the people are the higher up they go, great for the inverters tho, bad for society as a whole ( (the video goes over how the biggest investment companies stagger society as a whole, and how the normal person buying shares in a company DONT use their voting power to change the company for the better.)
Someone I strive to be, more money for the money pit, more food for the fridge, more education for my kids, more opportunities for the family, more money for charity
Found it!
Teens >14 you see them all the time, shops aren’t supposed to sell to kids so they get their friends to buy it for them
Put some planters and a shed on it and grow stuff, and make a small house to escape from the world in, also mow the grass so the city isn’t breathing down your neck
Not exactly what op is talking about but: fish and chip shops that don’t sell spam butties, like they have chip butties, but not spam butties. Smh
Notice the use of the word “like” which tells the reader that no go zones exist elsewhere in the world
Heat or carbon monoxide. Check what type of detector you have, it could save your life
How enlightening, the leaders of an empire at its height all act the same?!?!?!?! Who would’ve guessed
Dum dum