And "piracy’ is critical for cultural and data preservation.
Unless explicitly stated, all content posted by this user, is done so under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED (non-AI).
And "piracy’ is critical for cultural and data preservation.
It is possible to increase the average of anything by eliminating the lower spectrum. So, just be careful what the you wish for lol
We test in production.
-Microsoft, probably
No tracking cookies, either lol
I do this on Mint without windows 10 or the official Kindle app. Is the Kindle app to download directly from Amazon?
Capitalism made a treatment for the cancer.
Thanks! It has gotten me up many a time that I have had a bit of a tumble lol
Lol!! Parents day actually extended to pets, too, and later (about a year or so before I left) also extended to (what is now known as) mental health day.
One time, one of my coworkers showed up to work with his kid, because the babysitter called in sick. My manager, without skipping a beat, told him to go home and be the best dad he possibly could, then, not only did she not use his sick time for this day, she made it a department policy to allow unlimited* “parent days”. One of the best managers I’ve ever had.
’ * Fine print was basically, don’t abuse it, but use it when you need it.
That may be true, but you gotta understand something, mate: this post was written by the village idiot.
How will they live when the profits stop?
Yes, because the first thing I think about with a thinning atmosphere, is some megacorpo’s potential monetary losses, and not my home’s likely demise. Fuck them.
Yeah, you do!
This is amazing! Using LICs is pretty ingenious considering the pure use case of an ereader.
We live in hell-world.
Yes. Yes, we do.
With a Dremel free-hand???
It’s Lemmy, it’s what we do.
Immediately made me think of this hahaha
If you don’t know, count yourself hella lucky and move on with your day.
I keep getting error 429. Any chance you remember the basics and can share a summary?