How the hell do they want to convince people this is a good thing?
Make em think their tax money is paying for “Ni–er food” and they’ll burn down the entire education system.
Hell, replace Nword with F-word or Kword honestly doesn’t matter.
Source: What happened to all the public swimming pools after Desegregation? And That one time a Republican signed a strict anti gun law the second the Black community exercised their Second.
You know, I tough it might be good to fact-check this screenshot. It might be missrepresenting something. So I did a little digging and it turns out that this is based on a document provided by the Republican Study Committee (about three quateres of house rebuplicans are members).
I read the
Dokumentdocument (you can find it here) and HOLY HELL THIS IS THE WORST THING I HAVE READ IN A LONG WHILE.It’s so full of lies, half-truths and so, so, so much finger pointing to the “woke socialist Biden Administration” (yes, that is a quote), so removed from reality… It was painfull to read. There is so much utter nonsense in that one document.
Anyhow. The headline is dead on. And it’s far far from the worst thing that they are proposing.
I need to bang my head against a wall now untill i have erased the memory of reading this bullshit.
Some here asking who are or would still vote for them, well in their eyes, they don’t want to feed YOUR kid(s), they believe their kids are well fed. Only when when they are in need will they have empathy.