I know someone will complain about transmasc visibility again, and I’m sorry, but I don’t know what your alternative of a skirt is, please tell me.
I know someone will complain about transmasc visibility again, and I’m sorry, but I don’t know what your alternative of a skirt is, please tell me.
Consider a bowtie?
Tucker Carlson has done for bowties what Adolf Hitler did for red armbands
the eleventh doctor took it back tho
How am I supposed to make a bowtie go spinny?
not for you silly, for our transmasc brothers
Ah, my bad. I missed the caption on this post.
What op said, but also
spinny bowtie lol
Fun at parties!
a bowtie? wouldnt like a nice suit or something be way more appealing?
Typically, but not necessarily always, a bowtie is worn in addition to other apparel, such as shirts and pants