Nope not getting doxxed today 👍
the first 8 digits of your credit card number are your alien name! /s
Aw shit. My alien is 80081355.
Nice 6420N645!
Got 'em!
Damn, was that a trick? It’s my real name! Now you know I’m from Bynaus and not from earth
Haha, that’s wild.
Hey, what about your pets name and your mother’s maiden name that makes your porn star name. Haha wouldn’t that be fun to collate into a single database with everyone else’s answers and pair all the info with your account name? Such japes.
And just really quick. Who’s your favourite bank, lol so fun and 100% innocent 😇😇😇
Just make up initials to make a funny name. Nobody needs to know that your real name is Jeremy Crawford
Omg thats such a Shane Grantham from Shamrock Tennesee thing to say
I’ve been on the internet long enough with the same name that I’m sure you could find me if you wanted.
I’ll be under the name Monkey Long.
Wonkey Dong. Unfortunately fits pretty well
Cooler than Honkey Dong tho
This is the funniest one in the thread. You win.
I think I might get more popular. Call me Donkey Dong.
I immediately read that as Donkey Doug.
Oh, dip!
Monkey Bong … It’s so me
Wonkey Bong.
Fuck yes.
Better than my Sonkey Bong
If your names start with vowels, you get whale noises
“first consonant”
Oh wow, i totally missed that bit. I really don’t read so good while this sleep deprived it seems.
I only noticed because I thought the same thing at first
What if the first letter in your first name is a D, and the first letter in your second name is a K?
Does that mean you get to be the Big Man himself?
We’re all DK
Bonkey Bong. Good shit.
Damn dude you need a club that’s a great name
Pretty sure that company sells lame shirts at Pacsun.
Jonkey Bong, or alternatively Ronkey Bong.
No clue what a “Ronkey Bong” might be, but I feel like Jonkey Bong kinda perfectly describes when you’re trying to hit your buddies homemade contraption that is both jank and wonky.
Could also apply to that same buddies old bong that’s held together by duct tape and years of resin build up that they refuse to stop using because “I’ve had it since college, it was my first”.
Monkey Gong kinda slaps tho
I’m Monkey Song. I’ll join your band.
Fuck yeah let’s go !
Donkey Cong lol… DC. Not very inventive.
Sonkey Cong. I feel like one of those offbrand third party games your tech illiterate aunt buys you for a game system you don’t have.
There have got to be about a million people who will just be Donkey Kong.
Its the most common non-human ape name, like being called Mohammed Wang is for us.
I’m currently crying laughing at “Mohammed Wang,” just wanted you to know that. I think that’s gonna be added to the “fake names I go by sometimes” list along with Rusty Shackleford and a few others I’ll neglect to disclose here.
Donkey Dong. Eh, I take it.
Tonkey Bong
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