tf is this concrete shit just use some goddamn sandpaper to sand the fuckin mountain flat duh you motherfuckers is dumb af fr
Can we get this dude to be head of volcano NASA or w/e?
ugh fuck guess I may as well if them dudes can’t figure this shit out
finally, a sensible solution
As a politician I can assure you that if you vote for me I will put into law that volcanoes will be forbidden to erupt in our wonderful country.
And as a different politician I can assure you that if you vote for me I will fight for the freedom of volcanoes to erupt whenever and wherever they want. In fact, I promise a volcano in every household and quicksand in every sandbox.
Cause this is America. Where land has more rights than people voting.
The former president of the Philippines said that he will urinate on the volcano that was threatening to erupt. Lol
Pee would evaporate and blow back up into his face. Also toxic gases and radiation penis cancer.
I wish.
So… Just turn a blank round into a live bullet…
Maybe we can fire it at the planet that keeps sending those asteroids that nearly hit us.
Why yes, I would like to know more.
Excellent analogy, but now I want the math. Think we could push this past the gravity well? Fuck space elevator, I got ejecto-volcano cuz.
I would imagine very small section might be able to? I know one of jupiters moons has geysers that shoot water into space and out of orbit.
Isn’t a space cannon or whatever it’s called a very old sci-fi idea?
It’s like the oldest, it’s how Jules Verne sent men to the moon in “From the Earth to the Moon”
Pretty much as soon as a cannon got invented and shot, some guys were like “…maybe we could shoot ourselves out of that…”
New idea: build a small town on top of the block that’s placed on top of the vulcano and start exploring space(and colonise other planets).
SOURCE: John Paul Stapp
Apparently launching a metal cover with a nuclear weapon might not even be enough to reach space
I’m pretty certain that it would destroy whichever object was launched. The air friction alone would tear it apart.
Very rough Google math (mostly because of “fuzzy” answers on the energy required and how you define space) suggests that the 1980 Mt St Helens eruption had enough energy to orbit three billion kilos…
I based that on the eruption being rated at 24MT, which converts to 100b MJ, and a minimum of 30MJ/kg being enough for orbit. Didn’t find a straight answer on escaping the gravity well, could be way higher.
That doesn’t seem right to me, but that eruption did, in fact, move the entire top of a mountain a pretty silly distance, so as ridiculous as it sounds, it could be accurate? I mean… 500 billion KGs of ash was spit out of it…
That’s the most terrifying thing I’ve ever googled i think. I feel like I don’t actually want to know the actual math on this. It’s fucking plausible dude.
Dude just tape a cease and desist letter on the volcano. And if they still don’t listen just get the cops to shoot it.
you must be American
Canadian. We have that problem too.
We learned it from Dad
That lava already has to break through literal kilometres of rock to get there. A few hundred (let’s be generous) extra meters of pourable rock ain’t gonna do shit.
But look at the picture, the lava is trapped.
The picture is dumb as hell. The lava would just flow out of the big gaping vertical hole in the front.
I think we can still work with the spirit of the solution. The main issue is that the lava will break the concrete. The solution is pretty simple. If we take some buckets of water we can pour it into the volcano creating a layer of obsidian. Obsidian is much harder and will easily contain the magma.
Minecraft logic
Just get a bucket of water, ffs!
What you mean? Cement stronk!
Not to mention the average normal size of an opening you’d have to plug to begin with. Even if it didn’t just drain down the hole or dissolve the moment it got to lava, it would be a ludicrous amount of concrete just to make a layer a few feet thick. Even if you did manage to make a plug a hundred or more feet deep and it didn’t melt or move, an eruption would likely just blow the mountain apart from around it.
All you’d need is ultra fast drying lava-proof concrete. I’m surprised no one has thought of that yet. Then once the crater vent is fully plugged you would just need to coat the rest of the mountain in the same concrete. Voila, problem solved.
I keep thinking about the big job we have ahead of us, paving over Yellowstone Park.
Don’t give them any ideas
If it’s concrete i think it will just explode upon contact because of the water content.
Yeah, that “even if” of mine was doing some heavy lifting.
I want to see it done just to see how far the concrete cap goes flying when it finally pops off.
Concrete does explode upon contact with molten metal…I can’t imagine how this doesn’t end up in an explosion
Gonna need to see some credentials buddy. If I don’t see volcanoologist, I’m leaving.
Or as the guy at bike shop put it “no you can’t put duct tape on your pierced tyre. If a nail got through rubber, its probably gonna also get through tape.”
Not that I want to defend using duct tape for this, but fixing a tyre isn’t about keeping nails out but closing the hole after the last one.
Just keep adding concrete until it works
I saw people on YouTube pour the cement directly into a hole they were filling. Should make it even quicker to not have to add water it can just mix with the molten rock.
Fools. You need to put ice in first so the concrete doesnt melt.
Even more foolish fool. Just dump water down the volcano. The lava source blocks turn to obsidian and are completely harmless.
What is this, some sort of craft and mine vidya games?
What if you screw the mix and make cobblestone?
No! You stupid stupid!11! You have to use Xtra Strong mints. The blue kind. That’s a stronger cooling that anything else.
Better yet - use helicopters to drop chunks of icebergs into the volcano to extinguish it.
Keep fuckin around and you’re gonna end up in a Republican cabinet one day.
Is that where they keep their gay whores? Or the piss tapes? Which cabinet? Oh, maybe the cabinet?
Once and for All!
I think this could actually be someone impersonating a famous mountain on Twitter, however, the account is verified with a Blue Checkmark, so this must be the real Mt. St. Helens then.
But how could this be possible?
Must be the mountain. People don’t just pretend to be someone else on the internet.
Even before twitter introduced these fake verifications, some large landmarks were verified by the managing party (like a national park), so if this were older that could’ve been the explanation.
Now it’s just a dumb musktake.
Clearly, the lava is just the blood of the mountain and now it has enough lava blood flowing to achieve sentience and to access xitter.
Well now you have a very large cannon
Meh, the pressure will do the ball the way into space I bet.
We should launch rockets like this, would save on fuel.
I feel like we need to talk about how much heavy metal rocks.
Just going to need 14 trillion bags of cement from ACME
Block molten rock with wet powdered rock? Wcgw?
Clay, more or less.
Point towards enemy.
Would concrete even hold. I mean lava is molten rock and cement is kind of a rock. So wouldn’t the cement melt before pressure could build up?
Most cements melt at a higher temperature than most lava gets to, so it would be solid chunks of cement getting blasted miles out when the pressure builds high enough to erupt
It probably wouldn’t melt, but if you heat moist concrete it will spall ans crumble to bits before too long.
Yes. That’s the joke.
Even if the plug would hold the volcano would just split open another hole in the earth and erupt from there
More job opportunities. Volcano hole filler would look great in my résumé.
And that would be a literal lava canon
Yes, there are many levels of stupid in this person’s proposal.
edit: “heavy metal rocks” would likely also meet the same fate.
A depleted uranium cap with a “whistle” pressure release might just be what’s needed to solve the issue though
This reminds me of when Trump suggested nuking a hurricane.
It reminded me of him recommanding drinking desinfactant.