Inspired by the linked XKCD. Using 60% instead of 50% because that’s an easy filter to apply on rottentomatoes.
I’ll go first: I think “Sherlock Holmes: A game of Shadows” was awesome, from the plot to the characters ,and especially how they used screen-play to highlight how Sherlocks head works in these absurd ways.
I just looked up Event Horizon and it only got a 33%. I love that movie. It genuinely really creeped me out. Few horror films do.
Just goes to show you some people (critics) have no taste. That movie was awesome!
I love the dismissal of critics as a while because a movie you like scored low. It’s a good creepy movie but it’s no that good of a movie overall. It’s very cheesy, the dialogue is poor, the story is minimal. It’s got great creeps though.
That is absurd! Event Horizon is the only legit Doom movie. That was the idea all along and they even used the sound clip from the spawn cube in the movie.
Also, although I am not a 40k fan, I know some people see this as a prequel to Warhammer 40k as the moment in which humans first get to use the Warp.
It was ruined by execs, but it is a masterpiece, especially in the production design.
What? I still hold that movie as the scariest thing I’ve ever seen. It grips me just thinking about some scenes. It’s an amazing movie. Can’t believe the score
I watched that thinking it was just sci-fi while high as a kite in my teens.
I’m still not over it.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Sure it’s campy and way over the top. But I kinda like it for that. Plus the characters are awesome, the designs were pretty cool, and Sean Connery was great. Currently at 17% on rt.
It was great up until the last 15 minutes, I remember. And it was beautifully artful. But I was a bit colored by the comics, the villain and his motives was just so much better there.
How in the world is that 17%? TIL I also like unpopular movies.
Connery literally retired because of it lol
Okay, it’s not a great movie, but it’s definitely fun enough to warrant more than a 17%
Dammit, you can’t submerge the Nautilus in Venice’s Grand Canal! It’s only a few meters deep!
I genuinely loved that movie. Watched it as a kid, got the DVD as I got older, downloaded the torrent when I was in college, watched it with friends for movie nights.
I had no idea it was supposed to be bad! I loved the weird fusion of camp, bizarre situations, and genuine action. Although I did have to chuckle at one of the reviews criticizing its CGI, written twelve years after the movie came out.
Titan A.E. only got a 50% and it is incredible and still holds up!
Only 50%?! Holy crap! I guess they really don’t wanna live on Planet Bob.
One of my favourite animated films ever. Also love the soundtrack.
Terrific film. One of Don Bluth’s best. It’s right up there with NIMH for me.
Kung Pow only has a 13% critic rating and I love that movie. 69% audience score though so that might disqualify it.
I remember quite liking Slackers when I saw it (haven’t rewatched it though, so my opinion might have changed). I think if this movie every time I hear the song “She’ll be comin’ 'round the mountain”.
The Big Hit
Movies I saw 20 years ago it seems when maybe my tastes (and me too let’s face it) were a little immature. Still love Kung Pow though
Kung Pow is fucking amazing in short, memey snippets, but it was agony to watch as an actual movie.
This is unfortunately an accurate description of that movie.
Think of something like Airplane! or Ghostbusters. There are so many memorable and/or silly parts and lines that people remember well and will repeat over and over. But of course, each also has a real movie to go along with it.
All the clips and lines and other zany parts of Kung Pow can be hilarious, but the movie itself is pretty bad.
The scene with the wounds on his hands, something like:
“does it hurt?”
“Not really”
Pours salt in wounds “Does it now?”
Breaks thermometer into the wounds “how about now?”
“A little”
“Aww! Poor baby!” Bandages wounds
That scene has played on a loop in the back of my brain for decades. It’s fucking hilarious. That and when the evil master reveals his name is Betty, and plays Big Butts. I loved that movie before I started smoking weed, and I loved it even more the first time I watched it stoned.
Kung Pow is a fucking delight and I still love it as much as it was the day it was released.
That’s a lot of nuts!
Constantine - 46%
Predator - 34%
Ghost in the Shell - 43%
Hellboy - 17%
Robocop (2016) - 49%
Well, it seems like I have poor taste in movies after all.
Constantine is an awesome movie.
Ghost in the Shell (2017) was quite good.
Loved the characters, but the movie plot felt like a clipshow of a bigger plot that didn’t fit into 2 hours. I haven’t watched the anime but it probably was.
Watch the anime, everything that was great in the 2016 version is a bow to the “original”. And I actually think Johansson was a great cast for the film. The way she moves is so totally Major Kusanagi.
I, Robot, especially after reading the books. It functions as a combo of the books, but set roughly where the first book took place in, using a variant of the protagonist from the sequels. The robots taking over as they did, though, wasn’t really accurate, even just regarding the laws of robotics, but it worked for the movie’s conflict. In the books, they get a larger hold on humanity, but to help them go past Earth to become an intragalactic society. For a one-off, though, I can see the directions the movie took to give it that close-ended feeling. Also, the implications of robots and humans, and Spooner as a chracter were pretty faithful to the source material, IMO.
Grandma’s Boy is a perfect stoner comedy. Featuring Nick Swardson in a hilarious breakout performance. RT can kiss 15% of my ass.
I’m thinking about getting metal legs. It’s a risky operation but it will be worth it.
Fuck RT, imdb it’s over 7. That’s really high for a comedy to be honest. One of my favorites and has rewatchability.
I tend to like sci-fi in this category such as Stargate, Dune (1984), and the Riddick films.
TRON Legacy is my favorite of the bunch, however. Incredible soundtrack, gorgeous costume design, and plenty of character.
This has always been easy for me because my favorite movie is “Speed Racer” which has like a 40% on Rotten Tomatoes.
A movie that was genuinely before its time. Would fit right in these days with “Barbie” and “Everything Everywhere All At Once”.
Speed Racer is such a rad movie. Definitely suffered from the tendency I noticed in the past of hyper-stylized/”weird" movies getting trashed by critics just for aesthetics. That does seem to be lessening quite a bit, given the reception to movies like you mentioned. Here’s hoping it keeps going!
Chappie (32%)
I love that movie and have seen it several times. Directed by Noel Blompkamp (District 9) and starring Die Antwoord.
It’s extremely original and entertaining sci fi.
I liked Chappie a lot when it came out, I was and still am a fan of Neill Blomkamp’s work, but found this one harder to enjoy over the years the more I learned about how awful the two people from Die Antwoord are in real life.
I watched the interview with the kid they, “adopted” and it’s so sad.
Wtf how is it 32%? While maybe not a masterpiece it was a decent movie, I really enjoyed it as well and also cried when the robot got hurt
Agree. Its no “MaStErPiEcE” but it was for sure not a 32%.
Rat Race is 45% and I don’t know why. Audience score is 64%.
The whole Barbie Museum bit was just fantastic. Makes me laugh just thinking back on it.
Fight me.
Rotten Tomatoes has both a critic score and an audience score.
If your pick has a low critic score but high audience score, that means it was formulaic or unoriginal but probably lots of fun.
Movies with a high critic score and low audience score are usually more artsy, film-festival stuff.
“Judge Dredd” (1995)
It’s fun, funny, entertaining, and while not well written, is well acted.
Honorable mention is “Demolition Man” (1993) for similar reasons. Though it’s in the 60s when it comes to a rating.
It’s like, sometimes I want to sit back turn my brain off for 2 hours, and just enjoy.
Pulse (2006) horror/sci-fi/thriller by Jim Sonzero director.