The only app I can’t live without. Except for gboard, all of my applications are Foss. There is no competition for gboard’s swipe typing, not to mention its many capabilities like as searching for gifs, stickers, being able to paste copied images, translating, and so on. I’d like to know how I can use gboard while maintaining my privacy. According to what I’ve heard, it sends all typing data to Google’s server. If you ask me, that’s a massive no-no. Do you have any suggestions?
There’s a fork of OpenBoard with swipe typing at
I’ve found this to be better than any of the alternatives.
I use the same, it’s just openboard + the propetary swipe lib
OpenBoard, Florisboard, AnySoftKeyboard
I installed all three.
OpenBoard has no swiping support at all.
AnySoftKeyboard is glitchy, moving the cursor around unexpectedly and inserting spurious characters.
FlorisBoard’s swiping is very inaccurate, to the point that it’s barely faster than typing characters one-by-one.
I hope this situation improves soon…
Well uhhh, kinda late, but the “original” openboard project hasn’t got an update in like, 12 months. There are forks, though.
Fork with glide typing - Haven’t received an update in 11 months
“New” fork:
If you’re on calyxos, grapheneos, or lineageos you can disable network permisions for that app. If not, use netguard as a firewall and block it.
I dropped gboard and started using FlorisBoard. It’s a lot more crude and don’t have the same features, but I’m very happy with it and will not go back.
I preffer my privacy over features, and using the software and reporting feedback helps it betting better.
We really need to ditch Google.