Hi trees!
I’ve an odd question for you. I’ve got a concentrate tank that spontaneously died on me. Instead of wasting it, I decided to try and get it working again by pouring the concentrate into the standard vape chamber that came with my vape. However, the liquid is so viscous that it doesn’t seem to flow into the coils (needed a hair dryer to get it to flow into the chamber!).
I tried pouring some normal e-liquid in and mixing it up to try and water it down, but that hasn’t really worked either. The two liquids don’t seem to mix.
Has anyone tried anything similar and had any luck making concentrate less viscous so it will vape in their standard chamber?
I guess I see why concentrates tend to come in really thin, tall chambers now
When my tanks die I get the remaining concentrate out and mix it with my flower.
Can we get someone who knows what they’re talking about to come in on this?
We read about it online and tested it, but didn’t really notice anything different. But, every time we tested it, we were high, so, you know how that goes.
Anyone know?
Do you dry vape your concentrate soaked flower or smoke it? I’ve never smoked concentrate, but it sounds like it would be hella harsh on the throat
I don’t put much just a drop or 2 per gram. Usually just the flower is enough to absorb to moisture