Isn’t that why they’re red?
I’ve lived in Florida my whole life and I’m not leaving without a fight. I’ll be damned if I let my home fall to fascism. I got involved in my union. Now I’m vice president and I’m getting involved in the UAW CAP and I’ll be lobbying the government for labor rights. My mission is to punch Desantis in the dong. Momma ain’t raise no quitter.
“Florida man punches DeSantis in the dong” is a headline that would be funny.
I just want to say that we need more people like you. I get that being this active is not for everyone, but damn, we need it right now. And I’m including myself in that statement.
This would be bad news for red states except the people left still get 2 senators, a disproportionate number of electoral votes, and the ability to use the internet.
It’s intentional. Easier to commit atrocities when there’s nobody intelligent around.
many people in red states think that talent and wealth are moving to red states to escape liberal politics. they are in a different dimension
So true! I have debated ad nauseum with conservatives on this very topic. Their media machine is feeding this absurdity to them and they believe it. They see it as hard evidence that conservative policies are superior to any other policies.
Texas might be the sole case where that’s actually happening. Most of the wealth is being concentrated in and around Austin, though.
I feel like this is part of a Republican long game - make their states so unpalatable to progressives that they move out, thus ensuring that the US Senate and House are never again under Democratic control. It’s like a for of self-imposed gerrymandering for Democrats, packing themselves into the few states with liberal legislaturea and policies.
Of course, those blue states will continue to subsidize the red states through tax dollars and federal programs, but that’s another issue entirely.
A good friend of mine with a masters in Aerospace Engineering had a job offer in Texas from NASA & she turned it down because of their pro-forced birth laws.
My friend is a DevOps engineer, she fled Texas with her wife. They’re both trans
Sorry, add here and super lazy. I started reading the piece and within a few paragraphs I realized I was just reading a story about some couple I don’t really give two shits about. Then I quickly scrolled up and down in the article and saw how long it was.
So can anyone tell me when it gets to the actual evidence that there is a brain drain? Make no mistake about it, my wife and I (my wife highly trained and me a software engineer) left a red state with our family partially, even only slightly so, because of state policies. So its not surprise it happens.
It started badly with that couple being the focus in a story-like section. Too long only to shift to discuss different reasons and examples of people leaving other states for various reasons. About 2/3 of the way through they finally get into demographics of college educated people, their economic benefits and new data on rates of leaving red states for blue states.
Eventually it was very good at describing the overall situation happening. But man, they didn’t need to write so much about their personal lives. Especially at the beginning.
I’m a software engineer too. I was born in the deep south where even my grandmother disowned me because I told her people were going to die on January 6th because of trump, she said I was a liar and hung up and never answered my calls again. I moved to a purple state to balance out the MAGA extremists. The whole southeast is full of some of the least educated people in America, and the vast majority are red.
They’re filled with uneducated people because they’re red states.