~4 NASAs (FY2023)
Truly demonstrates how wildly preposterous it is at its core. Space exploration makes countries focus together on a bigger picture, which everyone’s also interested in, and even makes us realize what our taxes are capable of financing. Regardless, its worth it alone just for showing youngsters how fascinating and worthwhile science is as a career choice…
One of these is not like the others.
Nonetheless, each is a proxy war interest of the US, which alone shows how it’s atrocious. The first two actively are, all three have been, and the third is the most anxiety ridden one on my end. It’d could go from third times a charm to nuke real fast
No healthcare though.
The US government only disagrees on matters which support the average citizen. Other than that, both sides are in lockstep when it comes to voting on bills…
famously poorly armed state of Israel