Hopefully he’s dead (from natural causes) or in jail (from natural consequences).
Hopefully he’s dead (from natural consequences).
Hopefully he’s undead. From supernatural consequences.
If ever there was a lich in the making…
A demented lich would be kinda awesome. Gotta talk to my DM…
He’ll be dead.
I really hope so but the absolute shit show when he does is going to be insane. The conspiracy theories will be like nothing ever imagined. It’s going to be nuts. I’d look forward to it but I could see it getting violent.
Yeah, I’ve been tempted to make an AskLemmy post based on that premise - “If trump dies on the campaign trail of presumably natural causes, what will the aftermath be like” conspiracy shitshow revolving around “Assassinated by the deep state” and/or “Biden directed CIA/FBI/SPLC/CCP/Pelosi to do it” is definitely going to emerge.
It was the illegal immigrant trans furry Marxists, in the classified documents bathroom, with a hamberder full of vaccines!
Trump is now the Republican Party. He defines it and has virtually no opposition. Even the primary candidates mostly ran on the idea that Trump should win.
However, he also has no successor. When he dies, there’s going to be a scramble to figure out who can be the Trumpyest. There’s not going to be an orderly handover of power. I think it’s going to fracture their voter base between traditional conservatives, who will back someone like Ted Cruz, and the batshit crazy ones, who will back a Don Jr type.
Trump, for want of a better term, has the charisma that the entire party is hanging off of right now. Republicans have handed the fate of their party over to this man, because they have no real policies to sell to voters, and Trump voters don’t care about policy. Once he’s gone, there’s no one waiting in the wings to take over.
There’sno similar phenomenon on the Democratic side. There’s a handful of candidates from 2020 that I could see running again, including Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg, as well as newer candidates like Newsom. There might be an attempt to make Harris the heir apparent, but there’s no ride or die candidate the way the gop is with Trump.
I’d love to see Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis duke it out.
DeSantis actually scares me, he doesn’t give me the deranged lunatic vibes other Republicans have. He gives me the vibes of someone who wants power, and knows how to manipulate the people around him to get it. When I found out he was running for president I was actually a little scared because I thought he had a shot. I’m glad I was wrong in that respect. Let’s keep it that way, and avoid someone like that taking an elected seat.
TL;DR DeSantis gives me Hitler vibes.
Dude thought he could take Disney in a legal battle. He’s just a coked up moron.
He’s just a coked up moron.
Tbf, so was Hitler. Especially the last couple of years
He made a bet that he could win and instead he lost. He’s not a moron, he’s just too eager and played his hand early. Never underestimate a fascist.
No, he’s just a coked up idiot. At first it looked like he might be a concern, but he’s no more competent than Trump.
You really wouldn’t. That’s how we got into this mess in the first place
I’d love to see it, in the present moment. Two racists arguing over who’s the most fascist. I definitely wouldn’t like the outcome.
No, trust me, bro, Trump isn’t dead, he just had to go undercover, like Nick Fury
Honestly, I’m surprised he’s still alive giving his absolute contempt for everything remotely healthy.
The hate is keeping him alive
Like a Sith lord’s ghost inhabiting a bloated, greasy corpse
Remember the McDonalds dinner at the white house? HAHA
He’ll promptly either reincarnate or manifest as a zombie or vengeful ghost or something. Just out of spite. It’s a long shot but I’m calling it.
His followers will prop him up on a golden throne that they’ll swear is a “life support device”, and that it’s psychically broadcasting a beacon into their minds that tells them what he wants them to do.
His supporters will cryogenically preserve his body so he can keep perpetually lose every 4years.
Warhammer reference
I think Bjorn the Fell-Handed might still be more coherent though.
The US would be in a much better state if Bjorn was a political advisor.
if he wins in 2024, he’ll run in 2028, and 2032, etc. He’ll win those with 99% of the vote, just like his buddy Putin.
He won’t run. He’ll waddle.
Well, thankfully I feel like he’s statistically unlikely to all that much longer.
Ya that’s not how it work but thanks for your fiction story
He will keep the campaign going for as long as he lives to keep reaping in the donations.
Exactly this. The man hasn’t stopped campaigning since he rode down that escalator in 2016. A month after his inauguration in 2017 he kicked off his 2020 re-election campaign so the donations could keep coming.
And then his “friends” and family will continue the tradition. The grift must go on! Until the cult dies or finds a better daddy.
If he’s not dead of course he would, he’s a malignant narcissist that we’re going to be dealing with until he croaks.
Lose? Nah. If he doesn’t win the election, we’ll get Insurrection 2.0. Then he’s either imprisoned, dead, or we get to live in a dictatorship.
Even likes to think the problems will go away if Trump dies. He’s just the worm in the rotten apple. The apple is still rotten.
I think it’s less being blinded he’s just a symptom and more hope that he’s a one of a kind cult of personality that no one can replicate to unite the crazies again.
He seems like he’s deteriorating rapidly, would be surprised if he made it to 2028. I expect if he loses in 2024 he won’t run again but will keep conning his followers for money and repeating the stale line that he never lost even when he did.
then use all that capital for Don Jr. 2028
You think so? Ivanka is his clear favourite, I thought for sure she would be the chosen successor
kissinger made 100
Hopefully he’s died of a massive burger induced heart problem
I wouldn’t be surprised if both Trump and Biden die of natural causes in September/October, throwing the November election into chaos as no one has anyone to vote for anymore.
It’s just the sort of chaos this timeline seems to crave.
It might be an okay outcome. No T means split R vote and no B means Kamala becomes first female president. Maybe she runs again, maybe there’s a new nominee.
I don’t think much changes other than losing the spearhead of the MAGA bullshit, although someone will inevitably take that place.
lol what if he died on the last day of his term and we had a woman president for one day
Thankfully I don’t have that worry with Biden. He’s quite fit and healthy, in great shape considering his age. So he has far great chances of surviving each day.
Being fit and healthy doesn’t really exclude much at that age, anything can happen.
My grandpa was fit as a fiddle at 86 outside gardening everyday, then got kidney cancer and a bunch of other stuff all at once, pretty much bedridden within a year.
Hopefully that’s how I die too
In response to most of the people in this thread:
Idk, y’all. The biggest assholes never die. They stay alive out of sheer spite.
How long did Kissinger stay alive. That monster was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths all around the world.
one whole century
Its unbelievable. I hope that fucks in hell.
Remember: narcissists are psychologically incapable of imagining themselves no longer existing. He thinks he’ll live forever because he literally can’t conceive of any other possibility.
I’d bet if he loses in '24 his health will start declining quickly and will use health related reasons as a means to avoid punishment for crimes committed.
I mean, it’s likely the same will happen if he wins.
Dementia doesn’t just go away.
I hope he will be running from a psycho with a shank at ADX Florence in 2028. There’s a decent chance he will be dead in 2028 though. He’s not exactly the picture of fitness and good health. He’s an old, fat pig who lives on junk food.
More seriously, he has zero chance in 2028 if he loses in 2024, which is almost certainly what will happen. He’s been decisively rejected by voters once already. I find it hard to believe he has won over any new voters with his behavior since the last election.
Or maybe the government will step up and treat him like the terrorist that he is. If it was anyone else, they’d be waterboarding him with Diet Coke at Guantanamo right now. I mean, he’s openly calling for states to send the National Guard to Texas to fight the federal government. This fucker is on trial for insurrection and he’s out trying to incite another insurrection. Holy shit.
He’s had his deranged followers make threats against judges, prosecutors, federal agents, etc. He’s threatened his opponent in the primaries with a federal investigation if she doesn’t drop out of the race. He’s threatened her donors.
This dude is straight up nuts. I think it’s a legitimate question whether he’s eventually detained for the safety of the public pending his trials. At what point do the feds have an obligation to protect the country from this lunatic?
Forget about him and 2028. He might not even make it through 2024.
Weeds don’t die. I wouldn’t be surprised if the fat fuck chokes on a burger tomorrow… But i also wouldn’t be surprised if he lives another 20 years
Yeah, shitty thing about death is it kind of just does what it wants.
100%, he won’t go away until he’s forced to
He’ll be dead by 2028. Hopefully in a supermax and suffering up until his last moment.
Don’t get my hopes up
Or in jail
Prison. Not jail.