Basically every user that has comments that end with two emojis like this is a bot. Originally they existed to drive traffic to TEMU subs, but since Reddit banned those subs they’ve become harder to spot. I think the spammers just forgot to turn off their bot farm.
That one had me wondering if it was someone parodying a bot. Given the rest of it though, they’d have to be way more dedicated to the bit than is realistic.
Anyway, back to discussions about chainsaws and related topics:
Checked the account, here’s a clear indication:
Basically every user that has comments that end with two emojis like this is a bot. Originally they existed to drive traffic to TEMU subs, but since Reddit banned those subs they’ve become harder to spot. I think the spammers just forgot to turn off their bot farm.
Like this?🎲🎥
^ GOT 'IM! This here bot!
That one had me wondering if it was someone parodying a bot. Given the rest of it though, they’d have to be way more dedicated to the bit than is realistic.
Anyway, back to discussions about chainsaws and related topics: