Those fines are insultingly small. But putting him in jail would only make him more of a martyr. The law is still struggling to cope with this man.
And…just do it. They are setting a message that if rich = immune to punishment.
Tbf that’s been the message my whole life.
I have just learned that the very Biased, Trump Hating Judge in D.C., (blah blah blah…), ME, has reimposed a GAG ORDER which will put me at a disadvantage against my prosecutorial and political opponents,” Trump wrote at 12:28 a.m.,
Want to know what’s the first thing you should not do when getting a gag order? Eliminate plausible deniability that you saw said gag order and then violate it.
He’s so fucking stupid it hurts to watch
And yet he keeps getting away with it.
I get that gradually tightening the screws and doing this extremely methodically will ultimately end up with the most amenable outcome. This is a fundamental test of our legal system and it has to be followed to the letter for it to work.
That being said that’s pretty fucking small comfort to a country that jails people for decades for possessing a plant that is legal in many states and yet won’t hold accountable a man who we witnessed stirring up a mob to attack the fucking captial building on live television. He’s a cult leader that is given a chance to speak on a national media stage again stirring up his base until they storm the capital again.
Do you think the country that allows slavery and legalized bribery will make the right choice in terms of justice? The world isn’t holding its breath.
Hitler served 9 months of a 5 year sentence, and wrote mein kampf in jail. Its not over yet, my friend.