Dude, what the fuck. Fat people walk dogs.
Please try to cultivate one one thousandth of the love for your fellow humans that those people have for that dog.
What did you say you little shit??
Can we leave the fatshaming at reddit?
That dude on the right isn’t fat, he’s morbidly obese
So obviously that means he couldn’t possibly ever exercise, because people who lose weight just wake up suddenly skinny and are never still fat at any of the in-between points during which they still get constantly shit on for existing in a shape society disapproves of.
Acknowledging that they are obese is stating a fact. Claiming that they wouldn’t or couldn’t take good care of their dog because of their obesity is fat shaming. They’re not 600+lbs-can’t-leave-the-bed obese.
Maybe it is literally the point of getting a dog and thus be forced to walk more, good for them, good for the dog
Exactly. People who fat shame don’t actually want people to improve – they just want a target for their hate. I see no reason to disparage the people in the picture, nor to think they won’t properly care for their dog.
I don’t think fat shaming should be allowed here.
Fat shaming is a good thing, making fun of people for unhealthy habits makes them feel the need to better themselves
No it doesn’t. Fuck off.
boo! this is lame!!