(or the equivalent of your local currency if your country doesn’t use US dollars.)
I played this game for Christmas with my parents! For fun, they offered me $10 or a scratch-off. For the heck of it, I took the scratch-off and won $40. With the way my luck went last month, I’d have to pick the lottery ticket.
I’d take the five bucks, because I can always use a little cash in my wallet for tips but the lottery ticket is likely to be worthless.
I’d take the lotto ticket. I know my chances are a snowball’s chance in hell of winning, but I like the idea of it being a gamble. I wish we could have a lottery in Utah - apparently it’s against “god’s law” to have gambling, for some reason - they say because it causes addiction. Well you should see how addicted to food and sugary drinks people in Utah are. Give me a game to play so I won’t have to see that all around me.
5 dollars, you can buy some great old video game on sale and have fun for hours.
I would take the lottery ticket because five dollars is equally meaningless to me.
The lottery ticket comes with mystery and suspense. Even if you could buy more tickets with the $5, the ticket has more value to me based on its origin. What if the street man is a wizard or from the future? Gimme that ticket, future street wizard.
My thoughts exactly. If I win the lottery from a ticket I bought with a found $5, that’s a fun story.
If I won the lottery from a street wizard ticket? Legendary.
I’ll take the £5. That way if I wanted I could get two lottery tickets and a scrarchcard.
Though in truth I’d forget about it because I only ever use card then a year later think why the hell do I have a fiver in my wallet.
We’re talking about money, not squiggles.
I’d take my 4.59€ pretty please
$5. All day.