Come visit, post what you’re up to :3
“c/palworld” will only work for people who are in It’s better to link the community as !, now everyone accesses it.
I’m apparently the second subscriber. I’ve been curious about this game; people describe it as “Pokémon with guns”, but what interests me is “Pokémon minus The Pokémon Company and GameFreak”. If they release a Linux version and are able to deliver a good singleplayer experience (I bloody hate multiplayer) I’m sold.
You can get Coromon to work on Linux. I play pretty much every creature collector game that gets released and Coromon is by far the most “a better version of Pokémon” I know.
People compare Palworld with Pokémon for superficial reasons, it really isn’t a Pokémon-like game.
Honestly it feels like the pepole praising it for “Doing what gamefreak won’t!”
Either haven’t played Palworld or haven’t played Pokemon
It’s pretty much just ARK with more barebones gameplay and cute artstyle, yea
Reading more about Palworld made me even more interested on it, to be honest. Survival? Base-building? Automation? Fuck, I want this.
(I’ll still check Coromon though. Thanks for the rec!)
Try cassette beasts. Definitely scratches that itch. A great indie game.
I’m checking it now, seems interesting. And Monster Sanctuary, mentioned by
Thank you both!You’re welcome. Enjoy!
It’s really not “Pokemon, but not held back by GameFreak”, it’s more like “ARK, but it looks colorful, plays like BOTW, and has a Pokemon inspired creature catching gimmick”
If you’re looking for an edgier, more creative version of Scarlet/Violet, keep looking.
If you’re looking for “Minecraft Pixelmon, but for Adults”
This is for you
The game doesn’t really want to run in my potato (it has 16GB RAM, and I tried to run it through WINE so…)
That’s a shame because “Minecraft Pixelmon for adults” does sound nice for me. I also liked Ark quite a bit.
Indeed, you are the audience.
Currently playing it on my Steam Deck. Proton handles it pretty well, performance is alright if you lock it to 30, and the controls all work, even with correct button prompts
That solves one of the matters (Linux). What about the other? Is its singleplayer fun?
That’s completely subjective. Although if you find survival in general fun, you’ll probably feel right at home
I’m aware that fun value is subjective, but that was the way that I found to ask succinctly if it’s possible to have fun even if you focus solely on singleplayer. (I’m not a big fan of MP).
A shame that the game didn’t want to run at any acceptable speed in my machine. Otherwise I’d be almost for sure playing it, even mentioned that it’s Ark-like (I’d love Ark if not for the grinding, so…)
Single player is fun if you like to play survival crafting games alone. “Pokémon with guns” is not actually a very good description. It’s a monster capturing game, and the creatures are cartoony like Pokémon, but it’s a third person survival crafting game. No turn based elements or choosing monster move sets or anything like that.
It’s more like Ark with Pokémon instead of dinosaurs
So did they deliver on the promise of press ganging my Pokemon to work in a guns factory? Because if they did I’ll go buy it right now.