I wonder if marijuana news paper dot com has any bias slant towards marijuana
Lake Research Partners conducted the study, not the marijuana blog.
This made me lol. Thanks
“Breaking News: Polls show that if Biden were better, more people would like him.”
Deep cuts by @themeatbridge
Shocked Pikachu face
Oh they’re going to put this carrot in front of us again?
“Biden stands to gain approval if he does incredibly obvious thing that people approve of.”
So he’s not gonna do it then? Great.
Next he will promise to close gitmo and support unions!
People are funny.
Biden will probably get this done. He said he was going to, seems like the administrative steps to do so are happening.
But here’s what will happen: the Supreme Court is getting ready to shred another longstanding precedent known as the Chevron Doctrine. Without Chevron, any federal court will be able to enjoin any action of any federal agency just by saying that the agency’s interpretation of the statute, even though it’s reasonable, isn’t what Congress really intended. In other words, agencies will no longer be able to regulate much of anything because corporations will just file a lawsuit in some backwards ass federal court district and the judge’s interpretation of the statute will carry more weight than the agency that administers the statute.
That’s the Republican plan, here. They give half a shit about DEA administrative scheduling, they can’t wait to destroy the FCC, SEC, IRS, EPA, FTC, FEC, etc. If the DEA reschedules cannabis, and the Republicans cannot lock up enough black and brown people, they will judge shop until they find one to say doing so isn’t what Congress intended with cannabis prohibition statutes, and enjoin the rescheduling.
Latest ep. of Strict Scrutiny podcast (“AITA? SCOTUS Edition”) has a good deep dive on this.
Thank you!
You know, without Chevron, it won’t matter what the DEA thinks and there will no longer be a schedule… Just like our stoner founding fathers intended!!
Ok but really you’re saying like all this destruction is necessarily bad because all government is necessarily good. These agencies all have legislated remits that will largely be unaffected. DEA and ATF will hurt the most which I’m okay with. FTC will be hurt in a bad way, and I’m pretty sure in fixing one congress will grant more power to themselves and these agencies anyway, so with or without Chevron we’re fucked.
Nah you clearly have no idea how many things these agencies do that keep you safe every day. You will be way more fucked without them.
lol found someone who lives on Fox News or worse
Could legal weed save America from becoming a fascist dystopia under Trump? Headline of the century.
How would it become a fascist dystopia exactly?
Perhaps our definition of dystopia differ, but any country led by an authoritarian Trump with Project 2025 underway, where the executive branch is dissolved to favor a Trump dictatorship, I’d call that a fascist dystopia.
Yeah, people like weed way more than they like Biden.
I’d take weed over any politician any day of the week.
QP 2024!
Ok here me out. Obama wants to smoke a joint with you however you have to listen to Nancy Pelosi talk about her grandchildren for twenty minutes. What do?
Dude, it’s a gran talking about her grandkids. That’s happy talk, not politics. It’s just twenty minutes and I have better weed than 44. It’ll be over before you know it. Like, I spent five minutes talking pizza and stupid bicyclists (mostly my brother, we were talking about the same person but I’ll never tell her) with Hillary Clinton after a college commencement and she was delightful. If she had been able to show that side of herself, like, ever in politics, she’d have maybe won elections.
I wouldn’t want to talk politics with Pelosi. Can go on YouTube and find videos of her dressing people down. She knows her shit and she’s fast.
I agree re: Clinton. I’d say it’s like that with most politicians. That’s why their constituents keep electing them and everyone else hates their guts. They didn’t get elected without charisma.
I smoke a doobie with ol’ 'Bama and have a nice conversation with Pelosi.
To be fair Biden didn’t help me relax last Friday or inspire my p&j + BLT with hot sauce club sandwich idea. Parent pending
Parent pending
Better hide the weed before they show up
They legalised cannibis in NY and now my 79 year old mother is getting high at parties. Thanks Obama.
The presidential debate should be two candidates chilling and smoking a blunt
JFC, can you imagine how insufferable that would be? Biden falls asleep on the couch with a half-eaten pint of ice cream. DeSantis and Trump are debating their favorite isekai, but they’re only arguing about which one has hotter girls. Vivic just keeps saying “Fuckin A” whenever Trump says anything. Haley is pouting on her phone because nobody is paying enough attention to her.
Beautiful picture you just painted lmao
Moderated by Joe Rogan
Edit: it’s funny how this joke is so much worse than the one it’s replying to. I guess that means I win
Joe Rogan can’t moderate for shit, is very biassed and as dumb as a brick.
Even Seth Rogen would be a better option.
There’s nothing moderate about Joe Rogan
I somehow think Joe Rogan fellating Donald Trump wouldn’t be deemed suitable for live US television.
Stream it on Twitch then
Nothing should ever be moderated by Broprah. Ever. Like- he shouldn’t even be allowed to moderate his own conversations.
Moderated by Cheech and fuckin Chong. Joe Rogan, gtfo.
Where the hell are they? I got to see them on tour like 15 years ago. They do some cameos and voice work every now and then but that’s about it.
And for that matter, where are the good stoner comedy films??? Everything since Pineapple Express or Grandmas Boy was shit.
Nah, it’s gotta be Snoop Dogg.
Alternatively, Lil Pump.
“We’re gonna build that wall and make Mexico pay for it.”
"THAT’S CRAZY MAN, you ever tried DMT?
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me; “dozens of young White House staffers” freshly hired were abruptly told to quit, were suspended from their jobs, or otherwise punished “due to past marijuana use.”
The phrase, which is from Texas, but also maybe Tennessee, is actually, “Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”
I love that W moment, because you can see on his face the realization of where that quote was going. Like it occured to him after he started speaking that he was saying “fool me” too much, and also that he was taking blame for the second part. So, he tried to abort mission and eject from the quote, but it was too late and he knew it.
“Fool me once, shame on… (wait, I just said I got fooled. That’s no good. At least I’m saying it’s not my fault.) shame on you. (How does the rest of it go?) Fool me… (Fuck, I just said I got fooled again. Shit shit shit, the end of this quote is “shame on me” but that’s the opposite of the image I want. How can I… let’s just go with…) you can’t get fooled again. (Heh, nailed it.)”
I really miss the days when he was the stupidest President in living memory.
The way he physically leans over the podium in the video to emphasize “you can’t get fooled again,” is probably my favorite W moment. That, or, “…now watch this drive!”
GWB is a genius and patriot, poster of honesty, compared to the orange dumpster fire.
I mean, no, GWB sucked on balance. Whether he was a patsy or not, he was the occupant of the oval office when we were attacked, when we responded by attacking the wrong countries, when our regulatory bodies were captured by the businesses they were supposed to govern, when our budget surplus was used to line the pockets of the wealthy, when the housing market and the banking industries were set up to collapse, when xenophobia and bigotry were permitted to rage like a wildfire, through all of it, he was a bad President. You can’t blame him personally for all of it, nor would I say he did everything wrong (his work in Africa to fight HIV comes to mind as a success). But he was not a genius, a patriot, or honest, even in comparison to Donald Trump. Trump only had four years, and surrounded himself with incompetent criminals. Dick Cheney made himself and his friends rich(er) through defense contracts during the 8 years he was in office, making far more than Trump managed to stuff into his pockets with his tiny fingers.
I mean, i bet he’d be surprised how successful he could be if he actually started doing good things. Ending your ridiculous american war on everything would be a good start. So would actual health care implemented without republican consultation (otherwise known as nerfing), and really any other point on a civil democrat’s agenda would be good. You know, all the things that have only been payed lip service since the 80s, like education. The debt forgiveness is a good move.
i bet he’d be surprised how successful he could be if he actually started doing good things.
Especially if they’re things he promised to do 5 years ago when he was campaigning
Here you go bud, take a peek and see how it’s going so far.
At this point I dont expect him to do anything that’s not the political equivalent of a home run served up on a tee ball tee.
That’s usually the case with first terms, they’re an extended interview for the second term when he actually sometimes does what he wants to do. My solution is a limit of one term for every federal office, make reelection irrelevant.
I doubt very much that Biden’s second term will be substantially different from his first. I will still vote for him, but only because the alternative is utter disaster.
Biden ended billions and billions of student loan debt. He announced funding for HSR projects. He began pardoning non-violent drug offences. He rolled back dangerous Trump era policies surrounding climate change. He blocked the Keystone XL pipeline. He ended the Muslim travel ban. He ended the state of emergency at the border which was created by Trump to divert federal funds to build the disastrous “wall”. Like, people are funny and think that Biden hasn’t done anything in 4 years.
Yea people are just falling for media propaganda or both sides again. He’s done roughly a third of what he promised and a bunch more that wasn’t one of his promises and still has a bunch in the works. Here’s a link for proof. Roughly a third is stalled and it isn’t even all his fault but the other side pushing back.
Every politician says they will legalize weed if it gets them votes. No politician will ever actually legalize it though because then they lose one of their biggest platforms to draw voters. The single-minded boomer vote also disappears if he does legalize it.
That’s what everyone thought about abortion until those maniacs did it. This would be different though since there isn’t as much backlash and then they can also say they have to protect it next election.
You’d be surprised what kind of policy gets passed in an election year.
I dunno, I sort of feel like Roe is the real holy grail here. I don’t think that most conservatives actually care about cannabis, but they are happy to enforce it because it causes people to suffer.
If Biden ended the war on drugs it would nearly completely clench at least his party’s re-election, probably swing the congress on over too.
Not to mention it’s absolutely the correct decision.
Honestly, people being able to get tested known doses of various drugs of choice would save a lot of lives and create a lot of opportunity to intervene and help people recover. Making drugs illegal just causes miser and funds crime.
Maybe for weed, but I don’t think that would be so clear cut for other substances. Even here San Francisco, the public is only willing to go so far with decriminalizing.
I would wager that weed, and maybe certain hallucinations would be bump in the polls, but for narcotics and opioids, ending the war on that stuff would hurt him. But maybe I’m wrong.
I’ll bet good money that if he tries it it’ll be closer to August
Because you fucking know it’s gonna get challenged and that the Supreme Court is gonna be all brow furrowey trying to invent a reason why it’s unconstitutional to not pursue a drug policy based in exactly zero medical science.
At least if it’s near the election the topic will still be fresh by the time SCOTUS chooses that laws are for binding Democrats and protecting Republicans.
SCOTUS is extremely unpopular. If they tell Biden to throw more people in jail and he replies with a very public, “get fucked you corrupt prison lobby shills” his poll number would go up even higher.
What?! Weed is popular? When did this happen…
Biden wants to reschedule and decimalize not legalize
that means state by state determination
fifty different “united” states each with differing laws and opinions such as wages, what healthcare you are allowed and how it will be funded, abortion laws, immigration laws, what substances are legal or illegal or otherwise, etcetera
if you are on the wrong side of the state line then you will have less rights then your neighboring state
to go a step further there are already cities in the US where half the city has either medical use and or recreational use and the other half is strictly illegal or a combination there of such as half medical and half medical/ recreational and yes some tax and revenue the government receives from the cannabis industry goes towards prosecution of cannabis users in illegal places
Biden is only doing this for votes and knows the average voter will not know otherwise and we the people deserve better than a sham
These kind of laws and policies lessens consumer protections regarding cannabis while bolstering corporate cannabis and muddying the water further making the dream of legalization even more of a pipe dream
Unfortunately, the President has no role in the scheduling of substances. The Supreme Court has already made it clear the president cannot do this by executive order, and Congress gave the power to schedule dugs to the DEA.
The DEA takes the recommendation from HHS. HHS basically then hands the reigns over to the FDA, who then evaluates the drug, and provides evidence to the HHS based on testing and scientific research. HHS then takes that information and creates a scheduling recommendation for the DEA.
Then, the DEA takes that recommendation, does its own research and has a public comment period, and THEN it can reschedule a drug.
Since Congress gave the president no direct role in this process, all the administration can do is appoint officials they think will be supportive of their decisions, and then make their opinions known, and act as a bit of grease to get things moving.
Descheduling is even more difficult - first because of international treaties, and second - part of the reason marijuana has not been rescheduled already is due to a lack of scientific evidence for specific things the FDA looks for. This is largely because people can’t do research because of its classification… So it’s a catch-22.
If the DEA rewchediles weed, this would allow for further research to be conducted which in time could allow it to be fully rescheduled.
The DEA has already signalled they are planning or at least wanting to reschedule weed to allow for further testing.
OR… Congress could pass a law removing marijuana from the controlled substances act.
Couldn’t he just sign an executive order to remove it from scheduling completely?
Not at all, weed is legal in half the country and it’s ridiculous that you have federal laws hanging over your head that you have to trust to be unenforced. This is clearly something where different states have different perspectives and there’s no reason for the federal government to stand in the way.
Why is it perfectly legal to start a dispensary, yet they have problems banking? Why is it legal to use various weed derivatives in most of the state, except federal land and you can still be charged with a federal crime?
While I appreciate living in a place with more freedom, weed is not my thing and I get annoyed with the stench - I don’t have a horse in this race
Do you want a Federal government that has control over everything?
I mean, it sounds great when you agree with the Federal goverment I guess, but people should focus more on their own local and state governments.
Those governments dont make as dramatic of TV though. So where peoples votes really count the most, most people aren’t paying attention.
so you would rather be born in a random State and just hope you win the geographic lottery and have good laws? forgot just need to vote better
yes want a unified set of standards we all have to play by and not have to worry if I crossed the wrong state line would be nice
So you would have been happy if the trump administration had had significantly more power, then?
A unified set of standards that you like though, right? Not what the people you disagree with like? I have to assume you don’t want Republican law choices to control every state.
United States was based of the idea of local and state governments united under a federal government, not dictated by that government. It’s funny how in the 90s the New World Order was a huge fear, but but slowly seems like people online are leaning towards it now.
Do you want a Federal government that has control over everything?
That’s mostly how it works up here in Canada. So, feel free to compare and contrast.
I don’t know Canadians government system well, but I do know it would be comparing to a completely different system. Either way, I’m sure there are benefits and drawbacks.
But in the last few decades, America has funneled more power to the President and the Federal government and I don’t believe the government version of “trickle-down economics” is the right approach. For example, imagine a Republican held Federal government having authority over California. I don’t think that’d have a positive outcome for the Californians.
Our local/state government is a solid structure, but my city of more than 100k people had 8k votes last local election. People should focus on local as much as they do federal, and I bet a lot more people would be happy with the governing of their area.
Canada’s government is essentially 15 people, elected from the total population of the country, all 427 people, and they cross-country ski or snowshoe out to a big igloo-like capitol building with one medium sized conference room table inside, where they hold committee-style meetings and talk about what needs to be done, such as codifying new words for snow, I assume.
It blows my mind that people are clamoring for a stronger federal government a mere 3 years after trump left office and demonstrated why that’s a horrible idea
Yeah, when I talk to people about politics, mainly online, it seems like everyone is reciting things theyv heard/read without critical thinking.
Giving all the power to people that line up with your beliefs in office sounds nice, until they ban abortions and have gun classes for kindergarteners next election.
We need checks and balances to work, and local => state => federal is a real important part of that. I 100% believe we should be taking as much power back from the federal government as possible, while still staying the United States. They hoarded power and turned that shit into a reality show
It’s especially surprising on this topic. If the federal government had complete control like they’re advocating, cannabis wouldn’t be legal anywhere. Not even medical.
Biden wants to reschedule and decimalize
I dunno man, I’m in favor of decimalization… who wants to deal with fractions like eighths?