This year was honestly one of the better years. Lots of great runs all around. You can find the VODs here:
I haven’t seen many runs yet, but my personal highlights were Peanut Butter the Dog speedrunning Gyromite and Elden Ring finished in 18 minutes.
What other great runs were there I might’ve missed?
Oooooohhhh BANANA
The Resident Evil 2: Remake no-hit attempt was my favorite run of the event. Carcy brought mad energy and mad skills.
All the other runs mentioned here were great too
The Granny Trilogy run was one of the funniest runs ever done in the event, it is very worth a watch
The Bluey run memed so hard. After the run, people were shouting “hooray!” after every significant event in other games, e.g. when collecting shines in Super Mario Sunshine.
The Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart 64 runs both had great commentary.
Super Mario 64 Drum% was great. CZR did a 16 star run with a drum kit.
This was my first time seeing Cocoon, and my mind was blown. Orb!
The Super Metroid TAS was awesome.
The Metroid Dread race was nail biting. 2s difference over a 1h50m race.
Go! Go! Hamster Chef. No spoilers. You should watch it.
Edit: add some more stuff above.
That drum% was so fun