I don’t even care if it’s for a dumb meme or a joke a this guy’s expense, any publicity for this asshole makes me so fucking mad.
I just wish the entire global population could just all collectively forget about that shit stain and never speak of him again.
God I hate this fuck face.
Yeah seeing this meme gave me a sour stomach. Let us be done with this fool whose name shall not be spoken!
I say meme him until his brand is a joke
These people thrive off any attention, even negative. Even if it’s as a joke, he’s still going to feel like a main character. The right course of action is giving them the irrelevance they so truly deserve by paying them zero attention.
Exactly, negative attention just gives him and his followers fuel for their persecution complex.
There’s a difference between negative attention like outrage, and mocking someone until their name is a joke.
His type can’t stand the latter
Stop making lame people famous
I don’t think any of those girls have the lack of self respect that would lead them to sleeping with Andrew Tate.
They can fix him tho…
Can I get this meme but with literally anyone else in the middle that isn’t a piece of shit
We’ve got a problem
You might come back a Daddy, don’t think it would be biologically possible to become a father in that context Andy boy.