Idk man I don’t think we should keep marketing cops to children?
More dog variants are always appreciated tho
Interesting point, didn’t think about it.
Makes you question how the “policemen vs thieves” game should be treated nowadays
Military vs. civilians looks more like the current way of things, sadly
the “policemen vs thieves” game
Honestly, when I was growing up, there was never anything more to it than just running around. It was a glorified hide-and-seek.
Yeah definitely my feeling too. A variant of the “wolf” one
To be fair it ain’t the most problematic children’s game ahaha
Anyone remember “Who is afraid of the black person”? It was a game often played by kids at least in my country and my god I never realised the racist implications until way later!
That game should warrant some interesting research. What split between generations/areas/other factors implied it being about skin color and which were running away from this
FYI, for some reason the picture wasn’t displayed, this one should work
Thanks! I’m still struggling with lemmy markup and it seems I used an url to a wikia-resized variant
Cops are helpfull in a lot of countries. Is just that USA is not one of them.
Cops are bastards in every country actually.
Its pretty non representative of prisons where I’m from, and I do not want my kids thinking this is what prisons should be, so hard pass as a concept. Also visually looks a bit naff.
It looks fun enough for kids to play. For adult collectors not so much.