Yesterday I accidentally learned that you can reposition the closed captions on YouTube videos. I waa at the Smartboard talking about how the cursor and my finger were a couple of inches apart, and I accidentally dragged the captions of a YouTube video that we were watching.
A ton of stuff. One that I figured out by myself and not many people seem to know is that in most softwares you can triple click on a word to select a full paragraph of text (double click selects the word). It works on code editors and IDEs as well, to select one line of code.
“softwares” makes as much sense as “traffics” or “emails”; i.e. none. And now you’ve learned something more.
Thanks! I’ve used emails as a plural of email for a long time, referring to the messages. Not a native speaker, maybe it’s something Dutch people do with some loanwords. Never softwares or the (more recent) codes, though.
There’s a useful feature in Defender for this I taught someone about today. If searching by subject title of an email, Defender may not show you the full subject if it’s too long. But if you triple click the title, it highlights all of it and lets you copy it despite some of it being covered up.