President Biden’s reelection campaign is preparing to highlight abortion rights in the lead-up to the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision, CBS News has learned, seeking to tie the upcoming election to a “woman’s right to make her own health care decisions — including the very possible reality of a MAGA Republican-led national abortion ban.”
The extensive plans include ad buys, campaign rallies and events across the U.S. organized in lockstep with the Democratic National Committee, which will launch opinion pieces in local newspapers focusing on statewide abortion bans.
Ahead of the 51st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision on Jan. 22, television and digital ads highlighting the personal impact of abortion restrictions will air in swing states like Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to a Biden-Harris campaign official.
Of course he did. The dems have had many chances to enshrine Roe v Wade in law. They just always decided that holding it over everyone’s head as a “look what they’ll do if you don’t vote for us!” was more valuable thsn doing the bare fucking minimum of the right thing.
When have Dems had a chance to secure it into law? They need the House and Senate, plus the President. When was the last time they had that by not a 1-2 margin? Because margins that tight are asking for assholes like Manchin or Sinema to make it all about them and there are still moderately conservative democrats.
Most recently? The supermajority in 2009. The DNC is not your friend. Neolibs are not your friend. They’re simply the least shit option at the moment.
Obamas? that he had for like a month? That he used to try to get ACA passed? Because that’s the ONLY one people ever bring up and it’s a facile argument.
If you don’t think they couldn’t have gotten Roe enshrined in law during that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. This is absolutely the type of legislation you have written up in advance for day one to immediately force it through if you have any sort of conscious or morality.
72 days. A new congress. A new president. And a MOMENTUS policy change? You’re rewriting history. Especially in 2009 when it was much less supported as a law BECAUSE of Roe V Wade. You’re just looking for reasons to hate the democrats and this tactic of going back to the short supermajority is sad and transparent.
That was also 15 years ago. Anything before then never would have flown.
Definitely. Think about it: people believed that Roe v. Wade was settled law. The Supreme Court said it was. Why would they waste valuable time making that a law?
Laws take months unless there’s a national emergency, and then all other work is stopped. Literally hundreds of people need to write, read, and decide on the specific wording of the text. It’s like writing a book by committee, for no reason, at the expense of other issues. Abortion doesn’t matter if people don’t have healthcare!
So as I was saying, I’ll sell you the Brooklyn Bridge for the low sum of $50,000!
And trust me, I don’t have to look for reasons to hate the DNC. Them being slightly less shit than the GOP does not make them good. It makes them slightly less shit.
so it’s not the democrat’s fault when they don’t do anything even when they literally can, and have been able to several distinct times?
They haven’t been able to do it. Going back to that short supermajority is drawing from a well giving dust. And when else could they have? When would they have had the public’s support before then? People love to make up history to fit their narrative. But it turns out America isn’t that progressive, unfortunately. Not until lately.
Dems have been over-performing compared to polls by like 9 points since Roe was overturned. They’re not gonna give up that kind of advantage to secure women’s rights!
It’s a reminder that I think a lot of people need. The core of the dem platform is still neolib dogshit. It’s absolutely less awful than the gop “platform”, and I will absolutely be doing whatever I can to keeo those fucks out of office, but that doesn’t mean the dems are your best friend.
I don’t even blame the Dems for this. This is the end result of the sort of undemocratic bullshit that’s baked into our government. The Republicans have won The Game™ that is our government by controlling most of the land in the country, and thanks to FPTP our only alternative is a feckless coalition run by people who should have retired two decades ago.
We need a reset and we’ve needed it since at least 1971 but we haven’t got it and each year we delay will intensify the collapse.
Good luck everyone.
1971? lol our government has been dogshit since day one. We are founded on genocide and built by slaves. This country has, since day one, been absolutely fucking disgusting.
God damn you people are a bunch of sad sacks.
What county are you talking about? You’re going to have to be a bit more specific than that. There isn’t a single country out there that doesn’t have a disgusting history.
Specifically slavery: millions of victims were brought to the Americas (almost every country), but that was just their final destination. Who brought them? Europeans. Who sold them? Africans. It’s a shame of four continents, not just one country.
Dude… How in the ever living fuck, just from the context, could you not tell I was currently talking about the United States of America? This is a comment section about American politics. It’s a comment chain about American politics. I’m really trying to wrap my mind around how the hell you got lost but glossing over that onto the rest of your post… Yes there are disgusting things all over the world. But right now I’m currently discussing America.
I have never understood this weird issue with certain Americans. Every time you try to criticize America they come screaming WHY ARENT YOU TALKING ABOUT HOW HORRIBLE AFRICA IS!!
I’m not talking about the horrors of Africa right now because this isn’t a thread about Africa. Simple as that.
I did say “at least 1971”
fair enough
lol yep. And of course my comment is very controversial because, on lemmy, you must worship all of Biden’s actions and never even hint that maybe SOME THINGS he does are bad.