A New York midwife who gave nearly 1,500 children homeopathic pellets instead of required vaccinations has been fined $300,000, the state’s health department announced this week.
Jeanette Breen, who operates Baldwin Midwifery on Long Island, administered the pellets as an alternative to vaccinations and then falsified their immunization records, the agency said Wednesday.
The scheme, which goes back least to the 2019-2020 school year, involved families throughout the state, but the majority reside on suburban Long Island. In 2019, New York ended a religious exemption to vaccine requirements for schoolchildren.
The health department said immunization records of the children who received the falsified records have been voided, and their families must now prove the students are up-to-date with their required shots or at least in the process of getting them before they can return to school.
Homeopathy should be outlawed. Pseudoscience masquerading as healthcare.
There is placebo effect as well, so it might somehow help. But not the way they think and it shouldn’t be a substitute for proper medicine.
Not for babies, it won’t
Actually, it does. A friend of mine uses homeopathic anal suppositories for his almost 1 y/o and it almost always calms her down.
Guess having stuff shoved up your butt doesn’t need natural language to be understood lol.
That’s child abuse. But it’s also an example of how strong beliefs in homeopathy can arise. With fluctuating conditions, people often seek a solution when symptoms (or the child’s cries) are at their worst. When they get better soon after, it creates an illusion of effectiveness.
A similar illusion is at work with the MMR vaccine. Autism becomes diagnosable at around the same age as the first shot is given, creating a powerful impression that the two events are connected.
It’s why we have randomised controlled trials. With no control arm for comparison, your friend has concluded that abusing their child is somehow useful.
Wow, she avoided jail time!
Didn’t even lose her license from what it reads like. That’s crazy. These kinds of people are dangerous.
I swear in the last story it said she lost her license. Still not good enough but yeah.
That really sucks
So much pain caused by this person. Forcing all the families to re-do everything. Stupid bitch; should be sitting in jail.
Apparently the families came to her to try and get fake vaccines.
Ah. Thank you for the additional information. It wasn’t clear from the headline and description, although I probably should have inferred that detail. As well, I did not read the article.
Another comment assuming stuff from the headline alone.
I didn’t make an assumption based on the headline, I made the assumption based on the statement at the end of the article, which I quoted in another comment.
Erin Clary, a health department spokesperson, said Thursday that while parents and legal guardians had sought out and paid Breen for her services, they weren’t the focus of the agency’s investigation.
It’s still maybe an assumption - perhaps there were people who thought they were getting real vaccines, not a homeopathic alternative - but it’s what the health department said.
I’m guessing you read that other comment after making this one, as you’ve since replied to that comment thread. So no worries.
I agreed with you regarding the comment you replied to.
Thanks. I didn’t downvote you, you have my respect.
That should be 300k per kid.
She paid $150k and promised not to deal with medication anymore.
Why would someone do this? Do they feel like a rebellious hero?
They would feel like they are saving the children from the evil government that try to give dangerous drugs to kids.
Is there any way to stop this kind of thinking in old people?
Or they got paid under the table for faked vaccine records by nutcase parents
Isn’t that a crime?
while parents and legal guardians had sought out and paid Breen for her services, they weren’t the focus of the agency’s investigation.
Ok, that’s slightly different. I thought she was giving children fake vaccines without their knowledge. Still incredibly shitty, and it isn’t clear but it sounds like she’s still allowed to practice as a midwife, just not vaccinate people.
Endangering childrens’ lives? Yes, I think…
I think it only counts if it happens before they are born /s
Were the kids in any more danger than before they had the vaccine? I don’t think so. Obviously they’re in more danger than if they’d got the vaccine, and they were required to get the vaccines to attend schools, but that’s slightly different. I guess you could argue that the non-vaccinated children were endangering the lives of other children in the school, but really the biggest danger is to the non-vaccinated child.
If there was no deception to the parents, then the biggest crime is falsifying records, which is what she was convicted of.
My bigger issue is that she is still allowed to practice midwifery/nursing, it seems, and her restrictions only prohibit her from administering vaccines (which she wasn’t doing) or accessing the vaccine record database. She might be an old hag at the tail end of her career, but the fact that she managed to pay $150,000 suggests that she doesn’t desperately need to continue working, and given her offense she shouldn’t.
Edit: Apparently she operates (and probably owns) the midwifery clinic. No doubt she has money, apparently enough to pay for a good lawyer. She should have got worse.
Yes they were.
Before they make have taken more precautions, afterwards they may have reduced them due to believing to be vaccinated.
The parents went to her specifically for fake vaccines and falsified records.
Both her and all the parents were putting other kids at risk, but this nurse wasn’t putting these specific kids at any more risk than they already had.
Given the fact that the same parents would have just drawn the religious exemption card up until 2019, the danger to no one actuallyincreased it didn’t decrease as it should have. Homeopathy is bullshit and I’m glad another mole providing it has been whacked, but this is not really comparable to ppl switching vaccines with saline or something.
I would say the risk still did increase for other kids at least some, though it may be relatively negligible.
When there was the religious exemption, the school still knew which kids were and weren’t vaccinated. Not that I expect public schools to be good at epidemiology, but they could contact trace in the case of any sort of outbreaks. When a kid that isn’t vaccinated comes in with a rash on them, you might think of measles and begin to take measures for that like sending a kid home or calling the local CDC. Even if it turns out to just be chickenpox or something else.
By falsifying records and saying the kids are vaccinated when they’re not, it completely throws a wrench into any of that. When they say they’re vaccinated and come in with a rash you don’t think of measles until more kids have gotten it and gotten sick.
I’d agree to that
the danger to no one actuallyincreased it didn’t decrease as it should have
That’s a good way of putting it. The danger was supposed to go down, but it did not because of these assholes.
Before they make have taken more precautions
I think the kind of people who would take homeopathic “vaccines” aren’t the kind of people who would have taken precautions anyway, not unless forced to. You could maybe argue that they were endangering children by sending them to school, but really the danger would have been with the non-vaccinated child.
The only really significant new risk would be if a non-vaccinated homeopathic child was around a child who legitimately could not be vaccinated, but that’s dependent on specific circumstances.
That’s exactly the type of person Long Island is full of
No jail time? That’s disappointing.
If any of these kids die[d] of Covid, she should be held liable.
I think you misread what’s happening. The parents actively sought her out for this service and Covid wasn’t part of the “immunization” scheme she offered.
So her and the parents then.
Absolutely. Negligent parents should be held accountable.
Just put a lemon on it
Why is she not in prison for life?