This is accurate gameplay from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy text adventure that INFOCOM made with the help of Douglas Adams in 1984.
I thought people would find it interesting to see the way a game would creatively do a demo in print in the 1980s since doing it other ways was either too expensive or not very useful from a marketing perspective.
More info on the game-'s_Guide_to_the_Galaxy_(video_game)
It was very challenging. I never got all the way through it. Amazingly, it only covers a small portion of the first book despite taking hours and hours to play.
I’m not sure if I’m missing something here…but what did you think “fuck” meant? Lol
more likely he thought ‘video nasty’ was slang for porn (unless of course it was a joke)
Just about anything
Fuck the fucking fuckers.
The only English word that can be used as an infix…
It’s truly beauti-fucking-ful!